Thursday, June 30, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 94

1. Bought another teacher an apple memo pad because she collect apple things.
            So when I first started teaching at my currently school, I was approached by a really nice math teacher. As she invited me into her room she showed me her 'apple' collection - these were little figurines, knick-knacks, pads, and other favors that lined her row of filing cabinets. As she talked about each one, you could tell that everyone had a story and particular meaning to the teacher. Right before she finished her welcome she then turned to me and told me to pick something out. She said that she invites all new teachers to pick something - like her way of welcoming them to the school. This was 9 years ago. One of the first figurines that I put out every year in my room is this same apple wall hanging ornament. So when I saw this apple memo pad, I knew exactly who I needed to give it to and why.

2. Complimented another teacher based on her outfit - especially her skirt
          So I can not pull off prints. The closest thing that I can pull off is something with strips - and sometimes that is a stretch. So I always admire women who can and do pull off these outfits - and just look pure amazing in them - even better than the mannequins at the store!

3. Picked up trash in the bathroom
             It was paper towels by the trash can. I washed my hands before I picked up the towels. Then gathered and I threw away the towels. Then I washed my hands again. FYI - yes, I used another paper towel with the door knob to open the door to leave the bathroom. Just trying to keep every aspect of my school clean - as a sign of respect towards others.

4. Returned basket to proper area within supermarket
               There was a basket gathering underneath the u-scan register today. I don't know if they were plotting to over throw the carts or very disappointed in the flatbeds - but either way the stack was getting large. I noticed that the pile at the front door was reducing as customers were coming in. So I just simply took these over to the proper area for future customers to use.

5. Cleaned up trash in the cafeteria
              Let's face it- cleaning up food particles after over 780 students use the area isn't fun. I just wanted to help the other custodians out.

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