Tuesday, June 7, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 16

1. Wrote a "Thinking about You" note to a church friend who is going to the doctors tomorrow about his heart.
         He is a really nice guy that works at the prison barracks in town here. Actually his is a marvelous cook; he can make anything taste good and motivates the prisoners to cook along with him. Anyway, he has been having some heart problems lately and needed to get things checked out. Since he is over 50, this doesn't surprise me because of his age and the demand/stress of his job. You can never be too cautious.

2. Made everyone coffee for breakfast.
            My mother has been working really hard at work and spent her day off yesterday cleaning up from a recent activity at work. So I just let her sleep in and made coffee for everyone else. Just something simple to help her out.

3. Gave my extra water to someone else at church.
           Like I said in an earlier post, during the summer time we have the contemporary church service outside. The middle of July in Hagerstown only means one thing - humidity. The warmth is nice, but the humidity is what normally gets most people. Anyway, I brought an extra water along with me because I knew that someone would need it. Maybe in my formal life I wasn't a librarian, but a 'Boy Scout' instead - "Always Prepared"?

4. Thanked someone for helping me clean up the sound system after church.
            Since we do have outside worship, that means that we need to bring everything out and then put everything back. This is a task that many people in the band don't like to do. I'll be honest - it's not my favorite thing either. However, if we are taking worship outside and 'to the streets' - it needs to be done. So another person, who wasn't even with the band, jumped right in and started carrying things back to the storage area. It was really nice to get an extra hand.

5. Spent a moment in talking to an elderly who is really nice to my son.
             She is one of the nicest people at church and is always nice to my son. Like a true nice, just not passive to a little kid. She often writes him love notes about special things in his life and if she finds anything interesting she passes it onto me. Maybe it is the fact that at the age of 4, my son has already graduated from "Charm and Charismatic" school with a Master's Degree. He really does have a sweet personality, unless he is sick - then it is like "Who moved the rock?"

Anyway, I can't stress this enough - "Take time to be nice to an elderly person daily. It will be you one day!"

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