Monday, June 20, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 65

1. Got the lead singer a cup of water prior to the church service
             Prior to the service starting, she made the comment that she could feel fall coming because she felt her allergies starting to kick in. I hate feeling this way. I have both fall and spring allergies - but my spring allergies are far worse. Getting a cup of water for someone else - it was just something easy to do.

2. Helped other parishioners pass out the Bibles during the service
                Again, just helping someone else enjoy the worship experience better

3. Picked up food that was knocked over at the supermarket
              In an earlier post, I talked about how it was just something easy to do to help the stock workers. I still stand firm by this statement.

4. Bought son special Cotton Candy for a Halloween as a special treat
            So my son loves candy - but what 4 year old boy doesn't? I try to limit his candy and junk food intake daily, meaning that he has to eat a good meal (like lunch or dinner) in order to get a 'special treat'. My son especially loves Cotton Candy - again pure sugar in different colors. But this time the Halloween Cotton Candy was in orange - I've only seen it in blue & pink - but Orange - wild! And yes, my son went crazy for this! (But only after he had a good dinner.)

5. Called Grandparents to wish them a Happy Grandparents day
           Anyone that knows me know that I have an issue with the phone - I don't like it and rarely use it. Ok, I know that this makes me sound extremely weird - and yes I am - but still I hate using the phone. However, knowing that I have limited time left with my Grandfather - I owed him this at the very least.

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