Friday, June 10, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 29

Today is my son's birthday!

Happy birthday Sean! I love you very much ~ Mommy

1. Gave my cup of coffee to my step father.
            He has been really nice in moving things & furniture around for me for my son's birthday party at his school. I know that we sometimes don't see eye-to-eye on various topics - but overall he is a good guy. I just wanted to say a special thank you.

2. Let some go in front of me at the Post Office
             Again, waiting in line with an extra 5 minutes - give your spot to someone else.

3. Gave neighbors extra cupcakes.
             So I made a whole bunch for my son's birthday party. I really don't like to keep junk food in the house - so most of the time when I back I just simply give it away. This time was extra birthday cupcakes. That way the neighbors could wish Sean a special birthday too. The more the marry.

4. Bought extra stamps for other family members
            I was at the post office and needed to buy some stamps for my personal use. I know that everyone is always in need for stamps - so I just bought an extra booklet and gave some to whoever needed them.

5. Retrive the ball for a child the rolled it into the street
            So I live on a fairly quiet street. But it can still get busy and cars don't always follower the speed limit. This particular child lost her ball and I didn't want to see her crawl into the middle of the street and get her because the lack of judgment of another driver. Something simple and easy to do - as well, as preventing a potential safety hazard.

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