Saturday, June 4, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 5

1. Bought a cup of coffee for another teacher in my morning class
               Yes, I'm back in class for another day. Yesterday we were learning about each other. I quickly realized that the one woman that I felt incredibly uncomfortable being around was because she is of a total different color than I. There is this philosophy of "True Colors" that basically summarizes your personality into a color. I am a strong blue, which basically means that I emphasize feelings. Then there are greens, who are there to work and work only. Sometimes I feel like this if I don't feel comfortable with others - just immerse myself into the project at hand. Then there are golds, the organizing controlled diplomats - this is my close, but secondary color. I don't have everything in my life labeled, but I also don't have a label maker - yet and my birthday is approaching. Finally, there are those that are orange. Orange is my least strongest color - I even don't like to wear it. But orange people are the free thinkers and adventurers. I wish that I could be more like them. This is my next goal, mission, and possible blog - "How To Capture & Release Your Inner Orange." We'll see.
Anyway, this particular person was a Orange & Green. Wanted the adventure, but not there to get along with others. I will admit that her presence in the room was a bit intimidating. She was very anti - Blue and proud of it. So the only way that I could reach to her this morning, was through coffee. Coffee is an amazing substance. Not only can it keep you awake, but it can warm your spirit.

2. Held the door for several people that were going to the same class that I was.
             Note- anytime you have the opportunity to hold the door, do it! It is just common courtesy that people forget. I am always trying to teach my male students this, but really it is a lesson for everyone.

3. Complimented another teacher based on the color of her shirt.
              It was a very vibrant & brilliant blue - made her eyes pop - not literally, but the coloring.
              Again, note - anytime you have the opportunity to sincerely compliment someone on their clothes - it is well worth it and makes their day - to have someone notice them in a positive way.

4. Talked a random husband into getting his wife flowers.
            So I was at the store picking up some dinner for the night and saw a guy just standing there looking at the flowers. His wife was ahead of him picking things off of the shelves, but he was lagging behind and just standing there and staring. I looked at him and then the flowers. I told him to get a particular packaged bunch. He just looked at me and said why? Well dummy why not - ok, so I didn't say this, but I will admit that I thought this.
Note- Husbands, wives like flowers. Not because it is their birthdays, or their anniversary, or Valentines Day, or they did something good, or a special event, or you did something wrong. Wives like the flowers more when there is only the reasoning behind them is that "I Love You." It is a sign of appreciation.
Note- Wives, husbands would get us more flowers if we didn't spoil the moment by saying, "You shouldn't have done that." When they hear this, they believe it and then they don't do it. Enjoy getting flowers and if you don't know what to say, then simply say "Thank You."

5. Lifted groceries out of the cart for an elderly woman
                She struggled with this and I couldn't just stand there watching - that is impolite. Remember, always help the elderly - you will be there one day and will need the extra kindness.

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