Sunday, June 5, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 10

1. Bought lollipops for son's preschool class
                Being a teacher, I am always asking for help and supplies and treats - it's just a given teacher rule. My son loves his preschool teacher and his friends - so it was just time for a reward and to help. He is going to miss them dearly when he transitions to Kindergarten in the fall; going from a private school to a public school. However, my son is a very likable kid - he makes friends where ever he goes.

2. Helped moved shopping carts around with the worker
                Have you ever been walking through the parking lot and have seen the worker with a big long chain of shopping carts? Have you ever seen them struggle in taking them back to the store? This is really a 2 person job. At the very least it was something simple that I could help with.

3. Left extra change in the parking meter.
              It was a busy day with downtown parking and people are always looking for spots. So by putting in extra money in the parking meter, I essentially paid for the next person. Just simple pocket change that can help another person out.

4. Personally thanked the cook at a restaurant for making me a really good lunch
            Again, simple things to acknowledge and show appreciation to others. Working is hard, but it is easier when we use our manners such as saying "Thank You."

5. Made cookies for neighbors.
           So I must admit that I can not cook. My best meal is a bowl of cereal - thanks Special K Strawberry. But I do love to make desserts - cookies, cakes, cupcakes, candies, etc. I especially love doing this with my son. He loves directions and the mathematics of measuring. I love spending and sharing the time with him. However, the downside of making desserts is having them in the house. So I came up with the plan that I would make them and then give them away: neighbors, people at work, son's school, etc. That way, I can still enjoy the cooking and enjoy the aspect of giving to someone else.

Note: Yes, you can capture someone's heart through their stomach.

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