Saturday, June 4, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 4

So down to work-

1. Gave my morning snack to someone else who was hungry.
              Even though I am a teacher and I am supposed to enjoy the summer off, I find it better to take this time and get some extra education. So I was at a workshop with other teachers and the woman that sat at my table was pregnant but forgot to pack a mid-morning snack. I remember being pregnant with my son. I had approximately 2 days of morning sickness, but what got me is hyperglycemia - when your blood sugar is too low. I found myself needing to eat smaller meals about every 3 hours or I would get sick to my stomach. I didn't want this other woman to feel that uncomfortableness and I wasn't hungry - so my snack was easily hers.

*Oh if anyone was wanting to know, it was a Chocolate Chip Special K Protein bar - those things are amazing!

2. Wave goodbye to the receptionist who was on the phone with someone upset
                People that know me instantly can tell when I am upset, worried, or anxious at a meeting. The pose is now called, "Hold my eye before it falls out." face. Apparently, I do it well - sometimes to well. A good friend observed me during a meeting and noticed:
If it is a minor irritation then I hold my left eye.
If it is a major concern then I hold my right eye.
If it is a National Crisis then I do my best duck and cover pose by holding both eyes.
At this particular moment - the receptionist was going through a 'National Crisis' -  both hands up and covered. The very least that I could do was to tap on her desk, smile, and wave goodbye. Amazing what a small gesture can do because instantly the hands came down and her body tension released. I left knowing that she was relaxed - at least for 30 seconds.

3. Gave water to the mail carrier
              Yes, it has been extremely hot lately. He needed it.
              However, the amazing thing this time is that he smiled.

Wow - 2 smiles today - I'm on a roll!!!

4. Bought lunch for a friend
              I was meeting up with someone this afternoon to work on some teacher stuff after my morning class. She, being a Summer School teacher, worked all morning without any lunch break. The very least that I could do was to by her favorite Turkey Bagel sandwich.

5. Returned a shopping cart for an elderly person
            Anytime that you have the opportunity to help an elderly person out - take it! Not only is it something extremely appropriate to do, but remember - you too will be an elderly person one day. Don't you want someone to be extra nice to you?

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