Tuesday, June 14, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 43

1. Helped an elderly neighbor rake up her leaves.
               So yes it is towards the ending of August. I can even start feeling the warmth of the air in the morning starting to change. And yes, even the leaves are starting to drop as well. A perfect opportunity to help a neighbor who prides herself for her clean and tidy lawn.

2. Bought lunch for my parents
            I just wanted to do something nice for them. My mother is an administrator for a preschool/school age child care and with the start of the school year - she has been working over time to get things ready for her school. My step father has been working really in finishing a building project. Really, I just wanted to do something nice for them.

3. Threw away lunch trash for random person
              They were deep in thought while reading their news paper. It was just something simple to do.

4. Picked up water bottle for another mother with a baby
           I remember always wanting a "Go, go gadget Arm" while my son was an infant. So anytime that I see a mother struggling in getting something or needing an extra hand, I instantly sympathize with her needs.

5. Picked up excess firemen items.
         So I took my son to a park festival earlier today. He loves to look at and talk to the local firemen. They are wonderful service people that risk their lives on a daily basis to help us regular people out - a job that is so needed in the world. Anyway, they were handing out pretend firemen hats and talking to the kids while an emergency called in. Instantly that had to pack up their gear and drive away. As they were doing this, I noticed that there was a pile of fake hats that they were going to accidentally leave behind. I quickly grabbed them and handed them to the chief person right before they left.

Side note: Even though that they left early - my son thought that it was so cool that the lights and sounds went off.

Note: Anytime that you have the opportunity to thank a medic, fire person, or police officer - please do so - who they are and what they do is very important.

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