Monday, June 27, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 89

1. Bought another teacher cooking funnels
               Sounds silly right? Well, this teacher loves to cook. In fact, they are amazing at making specialized cakes and cupcakes. Everything is from scratch - no boxed or prepackaged mixes & icings in her kitchen. She loves to go to extra cake decorating classes and enjoys traveling to see the mecca of Miss Paula Deen. I know that she probably already has funnels, but when I saw these I thought of her. Besides, you can have extra fun with extra funnels! She's also a math teacher, so if she can't use them in her kitchen - then maybe in her classroom?

2. Let another car go before me while driving to work
               So have you ever been on the inner state and behind a very slow moving truck? Well, this we me and another car this morning while going to work. So as I was pulling around, I slowed down in the other lane and motioned for the car ahead of me to also pass. Just something simple that helped another person.

3. Covered for another teacher to give her a break
             One of my favorite places in my school is the ISS (In School Suspension) room. Yes, I said this correctly. I originally enjoyed going there because that is where I made coffee for other teachers, but I have made friends with another teacher that basically manages the kids in this area. She is a fantastic lady with a lot of brilliant ideas. Yes, she has good and bad days like the rest of us - but she really does try to understand and personally help each student in need in her area. For some of these students, she is the only one that they talk to. In addition, for many students, she is the only one that they want to avoid (maybe not her so much, but at least the room). Anyway, she wasn't feeling that well today and you could instantly tell by the look on her face. I gave up my lunch time so that she could have an extra break to go to a quiet area and lay down for a little while. When she returned, she still didn't feel that great - but she said that the extra rest was very helpful.

4. Wrote a "Thank You" note to another teacher who hosted a special guest in her area.
              The art teacher was awarded extra money to host a special clay artist in resident to help teach the clay unit with all of her classes. This is such a wonderful opportunity for our students. Letting the students express themselves creatively, but bringing members of the community to share their expertise. Brilliant!

5. Wrote a "Great Job" note to another teacher who took her students on a special field trip
             Organizing a field trip is a lot to handle and a lot of work to make sure that everything runs smoothly. Regardless if you have organized 1 or 100, each field trip is unique with several variables. Sometimes we forget to thank those that have put in extra time to make sure that the field trip is educational and fun!

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