Wednesday, June 8, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 21

1. Bought more extra School Supplies for the church mission project
               Today was note book paper, index note cards, and high lighters. I always by these materials for my classroom so picking up some extra was no big deal. The sales are amazing! It is also nice to know that you are providing the educational opportunity for another young child.

2. Held the door open for 2 women with overloaded strollers
             One thing that I am deeply thankful for is that my son being 4 and having more independence. I remember the days of trying to squeeze him, the stroller, the baby bag and myself through the door before it closed on us - if I was lucky to get an automatic. I'm pretty sure that if I could create the next Olympic sport, it would have something to do with carrying multiple kid bags (title: "The Donkey Haul") or the overloaded entrance (title: "The Door Jousting").

Note: Anytime you have the opportunity to hold the door for another parent - please do so - it provides so much help!             

3. Put extra $ in a neighbor's parking meter
             So apparently in my town this is illegal - why, I am not for sure? But what I do know is that 'Lovely Rita Meter Maid' does not appreciate you doing this - sorry, this was a reference to the Beatles, which by far is the best and most influential band ever & period! Anyway, you could get a fine for doing this - for actually being nice to someone else by noticing that their time was up and you providing some extra free minutes. As I gave someone else free time, I received a lecture about responsibility instead. Wow - this was a weird penny! However, I would have fully done it again - take that rule breakers united incorporated!

4. Cleaned up abandoned toys from a common area at a kid zone play center.
                Even though there was a sign saying, please clean up your area before leaving - this wasn't done by other parents. I love my son - but he also knows that before we leave an area we need to make sure that it is put back together better than when we first got there. Again, reverting back to my formal life as a boy scout. I wonder what troupe I was in and if I completed the Eagle Scout project?

5. Turned in lost keys
                Oddly enough they were not mine. Anyone knows me also knows that I have a horrible habit of losing my keys at least 2-3 times a week. I blame my ADD tendencies of being distracted and not focusing on where I put them. I have an excellent memory, but if I don't pay attention I completely for get my surrounds and necessary things that I brought with me. Obviously, another person was having the same issue. The happy ending to this story is that later on in the day, I saw the person go to the check out area and were able to claim their keys.

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