Friday, June 24, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 76

1. Bought superhero stickers for another teacher
                So there is this really great Social Studies teacher at my school that loves superheros. Actually there are two and yes the majority of the day they share a room together - so it is really like a perfect fit. There room is decorated like an 8 year old boy lives there completely with full size wall hangings of Darth Vader, Superman, and Spiderman. I saw these superhero stickers while I was grocery shopping with my son. They were 2 packs for 1 and he asked if he could have some. Once I gave one pack of these stickers to my son, I knew exactly who I was going to give the other pack to. I figured that between these two adult male teachers, they can figure out a way to split the superhero kid stickers. And even if they don't - it's ok, I bought a superhero thing for the other teacher - but this is for another time.

Here's my real question though-
What is it with boys & men and their love for superheros? Is it the adventure? Is it the need to help someone? Is it the fantasy? Come on guys - help me out? I have a 4 year old son that I am trying to understand. Maybe men are from Mars - even better yet - Kryptone!

2. Wrote a note to another teacher wishing the a good day
                This particular teacher has seemed really worn down lately and rightfully so - she is the volleyball coach at my school. So lately she has been working a full day at school and then after school runs a 2-3 hour practices session. And then there are some days that when there is no practice session, there is a 2-3 hour game. Then on the weekends she is off doing tournaments with various extra volleyball programs that she manages. Wow - she's my hero!

3. Complimented another teacher based on her outfit
              As much as I don't understand the male mind, I do understand the female one. We like to be told that we look nice - regardless of who gives us the compliment. Sometimes we deny it, but at the end of the day - we still like the compliment.
Ladies - it is ok to say thank you when giving a compliment - and even more ok to agree with them.

Those that know me - I hear you laughing, but yes I will work on this too.

4. Picked up a dropped shirt at a sporting store
                There is a local sporting store that I secretly love - well, I guess that it is not a secret anymore. This store has a variety of items for a variety of sports - most of which I have never played - and some of which I don't want to. But there is also a section that has clothes. I like looking at the athletic clothes because most of the time they are made out of material that feels nice to move in. Maybe it is because of all of the years in dance - or - my new found hobby of working out everyday; but there is something to be said of how workout clothes feel. They breath on the skin and move with you - very unlike my dress clothes for work. Would it be wrong to request a sports polo and khaki hiking shorts as my burial clothes?

5. Gave directions to another person in finding a store
             Ok, so I have a really bad habit of overhearing other conversations. Some people call it eaves dropping - but, most of the time I use my powers for the intention of doing good. So this particular person was asking the register lady about directions for a particular store. They didn't know, but I have lived in this area for over 30 years and knew exactly where they needed to go. Since they were a locational driver (meaning that they don't take directions by street names, but by marking points) - I was able to help them with no problems.

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