Wednesday, June 8, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 22

National Dance Day!

This by far is a better holiday than Valentines Day!

Ok, so in another formal life I was a Prima Ballerina that was Mr. Gene Kelly's favorite dancing partner. I know - I'm mixing to styles of dance together, but he was a master at fusing this together all the time. If I had the opportunity to meet anyone in life - I would have chosen him. Ok, that sounds dorky - but I really love to dance.

1. Complimented an 80 year old woman for her tenacity in Zumba dancing
               There is no excuse in not working out when you are dancing behind someone of this age who is enjoying life and is so thankful for each moment! This woman was amazing and inspiring. Grant it, she had to modify many of the moves - but still just to see her out there and taking it all in!

2. Thanked the workers/volunteers for providing ice cold water
            So this dancing event was held outside in the heat in the middle of a parking lot on the hot asphalt. Sweating calories away was a given. However, you have to take care of yourself in extreme heat and exercise like this. It was very thoughtful of them to make sure that everyone was keeping hydrated properly.

3. Told an instructor that I really liked her session
         I will admit that I am a Zumba new-comer. I do a special cardio work-out routine at home "Turbo" and a different intensive work-out routine with various staff members at school "P90x." Each provides the opportunity for me to get into a healthy state both physically and mentally. However, as much as I liked dance I have not done much Zumba. It's fantastic! If you like dancing and looking for something else alternative then the standard lifting weights, push up, pull up routines - then try it! The best thing is that it is more like a party atmosphere than a work-out class. You can't go easy though - so lace up your dancing shoes really tight.

4. Got a "Drum Ball" for someone else
             Ok, so I am a music teacher and when I heard the title of this session - I was instantly attracted to it. Drum sticks, exercise, & music - yeah, I'm in heaven! I am thinking about asking the program instructor to come in and do this with my music students - with drumsticks in their hands - they would LOVE it as much as I did. Who knows, maybe more?

5. Helped cleaned up after the dancing event
                So I'll admit it. I was only going to take 1 30 min. Zumba class. But I actually stayed for 3 hours. It was so much fun! But once the music stopped for good - there was the after party mess. Since it was a free event, I had to help them clean up - it was just something to show them how much I enjoyed the activity.

Note: Try Zumba at least once in your life. Don't worry about how you look. There will always be a person that dances better than you. Fortunately, there will always be a person that dances worse than you too!

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