Sunday, July 31, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 134

1. Mailed a "Sympathy" card to a friend who recently lost a love one
             Actually it is a teacher friend from school whose mother suddenly passed on while they were on a vacation in another country. The whole story is completely sad and still makes me water up just thinking about it. She loved her mother very much and it pains me to think that she will be celebrating the holidays this year without her. I do like saying 'passed on' or 'moved on' better than anything else because I heard this saying American Indian saying once, "You are given a mortal body on Earth, but your soul continues to move along." If something dies, that means it is the end - but if something moves along, then it continues.

2. Bought flowers for everyone at 'girls lunch'
           So I met up with a couple of female friends at a local restaurant for lunch today. We do this annual thing in November to celebrate 3 our of 5 of us birthday's. One friend's birthday is at the end of October, then mine and another friend is in November. However, this year it was more important to meet to help comfort the friend from the above penny. Well, at least distract her - which I am good at. Anyway, I wanted to get flowers for the 'birthday girl' and then flowers for this sympathy friend, which then left one person left without flowers - So I just bought flowers for everyone. So that everyone could feel cared for. It was nice.

3. Gave an extra flower to the waitress at lunch
              She did a fantastic job and was extremely nice to our table at lunch. I just wanted to show my appreciation for all of her wonderful service.

4. Put extra flowers on windshields at cars outside of clothing store
             So I had a couple of extra flowers left over from lunch and felt like giving them away. So I just picked 3 random cars outside of a clothing store that I was going into. I laid them on their windshield. I wish that I could have hung around to see what the owners did - but it didn't matter. I hope that they liked them though. FYI- they were pink roses.

5. Found a bag of pennies on a walk with my dog and gave them away
           So there is a little 'flea market' store near my house that I pass every time that I walk my dog in my neighborhood. Sometimes they have some items sitting outside of their shop for the foot traffic to look at and possibly buy. Today there was this cute little foot bench type of furniture thing that had a drawer at the bottom of it. It was a really interesting item to look at. So I paused and started to look at this piece - well, more like inspecting even though I had no money on me. I pulled on the drawer and noticed that there was a bag of pennies in it. Holy Cow! It was like I was 5 again and just found Davy Jones' locker! Ok, so the amount probably equated to all of $2.76 - but still, a penny is special. It's one more opportunity in life. I must admit that I took 5 pennies from that bag and put the rest back in the drawer and closed it up. As I continued on finishing the walk with my dog, I put a penny on the the porch of 5 other random houses.

5 Pennies - Day 133

1. Gave the cafeteria manager some hand lotion
              You may be thinking to yourself - hand lotion, what's with this gift? Here's my thinking on the matter though. She has to wash her hands a lot because of her line of work- right? And when you wash your hands a lot, you need extra lotion - right? And when you use extra lotion, wouldn't it be nice if was good smelling - right? So I got/gave her vanilla scented - it's a mild scent, but still smells nice. Basically, I just wanted to treat her to something nice today.

2. Wrote a "ThankYou" note to an administrator for presenting a special student assembly to the students about Anti-Bully Techniques.
             I know that it is probably a part of his job, but I also know that he takes pride in his good work. Just like how I like to be told that I am doing a good job in my classroom, I figured that he may want the same thing in return.

3. Helped sort out Fundraiser materials
            So I had an extra class period that was open today because of the Anti-Bully presentation. I figured that my time would be better spent in helping to organize the school fundraiser items. There were already 2 parents and 2 other teachers - so the process went rather quickly because we all worked together. That is the thing that is wonderful about my school, we basically all get along and help each other out because we know that we are a family.

4. Helped clean up the cafeteria
               Ok, so this has become one of my favorite lunch duty responsibilities - wiping down the tables. I know that it helps others out, but it also helps me pass the time during this duty. It also encourages some of the other students to pick up their own trash. Working together to make it cleaner for everyone to enjoy - this is when my OCD is a good thing.

5. Held the door open for people carrying in packages
              I wonder what it would be like to be a UPS person - really. Drive around in a brown van, in a less than appealing ugly brown outfit, delivering packages to adult girls & boys, checking his list twice, charting his course for the next stop - I don't know if he is more similar to Santa Claus or my weird Uncle Frank. Anyway, he was carrying in a couple of packages and didn't have a hand free to open the door. So since my room is right beside the front doors and he didn't look like a terrorist - I held the door open for him and buzzed him through. Sorry school safety rules.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 132

1. Gave custodian her favorite Ice Tea drink
             So there is an evening custodian that many people don't know about. She is relatively knew to our building and since she works evenings is rarely seen - however, she works so hard. I only know her because I am one of the last one's out due to evening concerts & parades. Anyway, she is a great lady that likes this certain flavored ice tea. So when I was at the grocery store the other day, I saw it, thought of her, and bought it with the intentions of giving it to her as a thank you. Mission accomplished.

2. Picked up student study flash cards
               So as I was walking from my Jeep this morning, I noticed there there was a trail of student study science flash cards. Other than a really cool interpretation of "Hansel and Gretel" - I gathered the cards up one by one, dried them off in my classroom, and then gave them to the student's science teacher for her to return.

3. Got special visitor water
               So we had this really cool scientist in the building today - he liked to blow up things with using common stuff, then talked about the scientific applications with the students. I only know somethings about this person because he needed to use the music department's sound system - which I helped him set up prior to his presentation. In the midst of setting things up, he mention that he was thirsty but drank all of his water that he brought. I knew where there was extra and it was just simple common curiosity to get him what he needed. Easy.

4. Restock the toilet paper in female staff bathroom
           Have you ever gone into the stall, did your business, only to then find that there was no toilet paper? This circumstance always reminds me of the 'Seinfeld' show - can you spare a square? I loved this show when I was younger and still enjoy it from time to time. Anyway, I noticed that there was only a little bit left and didn't want the next female staff person to get into a situation - so I just simply became proactive and restock. Easy. Maybe this penny was a little too much information?!?

5. Wrote a 'Thank You' note to the gym teachers
            The science visitor had to use their facility during their class time to do his presentation. I don't know how they felt about their classes being canceled - but I was appreciative that they gave up their time/area for this special event. Thanks!

5 Pennies - Day 131

1. Gave school librarian German Chocolate as a thank you
              Recently this staff member went to Germany on a trip with her family. When she returned back to school, she had so much information to share. It sounded so wonderful and I was so glad that she shared her experience with us. I just had to give her some German Chocolate to say thank you.

2. Helped custodian moved tables for a special parent visitation day
               Yeah it is Parent Visitation Day at school. I was always worried about this day - ok, I admit it - still get a bit anxious - but it is such a wonderful opportunity to showcase what the students are doing. I am trying to get into the mind-frame that anyone comes into my classroom is very welcomed and an has given me an opportunity to show off the best of each student. Trying is the optimum word. Anyway, I knew that the custodians have been really working hard in making the school "Shine like the top of the Chrysler Building" (I'm an 'Annie' freak!) - so this was something simple that I could do to help them.

3. Helped another student pick up their food & tray from a cafeteria accident
             I've been that klutz before - and still often am. If I don't escape from a week without falling down, knocking over, or dropping something - I count it as a good week. I've gotten sort of use to my own klutziness - but still feel compassion towards others. So as this student was going down and the tray/food splattered the floor, I knew that the look on her face was going to be full of sheer embarrassment. It was. So I simply went over and helped - like it was no big thing - because in reality, it wasn't - by the end of the next day, no one remembered anything.

4. Wrote a 'Thank You' note to the Guidance Counselor for helping me with a student situation
             These ladies are amazing at their jobs. Not only do they listen to and help student needs, but they are always willing to help and listen to big people needs too. Again, they are truly amazing people to work with. A simple 'thank you' just seems too simple sometimes.

5. Wrote 'Thank You' notes to those other staff members who helped with putting together various aspect for the parent visitors today
       The Secretaries, The Custodians, The Student Council Adviser, The PTSA President & members, etc.
              It was a really nice day for our parents to see. Everything was planned so well!

Friday, July 29, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 130

1. Gave another teacher ice skate ornaments
            So there is a truly special math teacher in my school whose favorite hobby is ice skating. I like to ice skate too, but this teacher can actually do turns and jumps. Not to sound mean, but she is far from the youngest in her skating class. But to be brave and confident and good - wow, she's my 'Ice Princess' hero. Anyway, I saw this ornament and instantly thought of her.

2. Brought in the newspapers for the librian
             It was easy to do. I was walking into school, they were there, & they came in with me. Easy.

3. Wrote a "Thank You" note to a Social Studies teacher for inviting a guest into his classroom
                This particular teacher does such a great job in programming special guest and activities for his students - sort of taking history out of the book and making it real. The students in his class love it and responds to this style of teaching so wonderfully. Such a great asset to our school for the students to have and the other teachers to model.

4. Encouraged another teacher
            So this particular teacher is a personal friend of mine that has recently gone through some personal issues that I feel have greatly lowered her self esteem. I hate seeing and hearing her talk this way because I know the real her - she's a great person. It just seems like she has lost a chunk of her self esteem. So I 'strongly encouraged' her to showcase her students' work to our Administration. Eventually she gave in and did it, which is great because I was going to push her again tomorrow. But what is even better is that our Administration saw her good teaching work & the amazing products from her art students - which reinforced her positive self esteem.

5. Picked up trash from the school hallways
           Just to keep everything clean and help out the custodians. Easy & simple.

5 Pennies - Day 129

1.Gave another teacher a gift card to a clothing store
            As much as I approve on giving gift cards to other people as presents - I am horrible in receiving them for myself. Actually, I'm pretty good at receiving them - it's the spending them that I have difficulty with. Anyway, for whatever reason I have been hanging on a giftcard to a clothing store that I use to shop at for the past year or so. There is a wonderful teacher in my building that absolutely loves this store and just received another grandchild. Personally, she is one of the nicest people that I have ever met and I have never seen her in a bad mood in the past years of knowing her - literally. So it was about time just to treat her to something nice for no apparent reason.

2. Brought in food for school's food drive
           We have been having some problems this year in the participation of the food drive. Society's economic issues have really it our community. Not only do we have more families that need Thanksgiving baskets this year, but we also have less families that can contribute. So whatever I can do to help fill in some of the basic needs, I'll bring in.

3. Gave another teacher more Holiday cards
            I've talked about this Holiday Card project in an earlier penny report. Yes, the project is still continuing and is doing quite well. You can get amazing deals for things like this at any given Dollar Store. 15 cards for a $1 - who can beat this deal? Seriously, if you can please let me know so that I can contribute more cards for the military. :-)

4. Held the door open for the cafe workers
             They were moving various carts and items because they were trying out a new layout for the breakfast/lunch lines. Just something simple and nice to do for someone else

5. Treated my morning crew of students
             They have been really helping me out in the morning in getting my 2 rooms ready for the day. Also, they have been helping me get music ready for up coming Winter concerts. I really appreciate all of the extra help that they have provided me lately and throughout the year so far. They are a great bunch of kids that I will miss next year as they transition into high school.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 128

1. Picked up trash on walk with dog
              An endless task. Always there. Always will be.

2. Wrote encouraging note to church organist
           She was frustrated with other musicians and singers not showing up for performances. Being a music teacher, I feel this pain personally too on a performance by performance level. She is a really sweet person - so I was happy to write her a note. And for those music buffs out there - yes, it was an eighth.

3. Bought snacks for another church singer
               I often sing duets with another person at church who recently got a new teaching job. I over heard her making the comment the other day that she rarely has time in her schedule now for a normal lunch - it has now turned into a grab and go - welcome to teaching! So I got her a box of protein Special K bars. I love these things and often eat them for breakfast at school - like I said "Grab n Go."

4. Set up coffee snacks for another person
            I just simply set up everything for another person so that they could enjoy more of the service before they had to report to after service duty.

5. Sanitize shopping carts for others
             Those wipes that you see at the doors where they have the carts lined up - yes, just wipe down the handlebars of a couple carts - not just yours. If everyone did this, just think of how cleaning life would be!

5 Pennies - Day 127

1. Bought mother special air car smell scents
            She rarely buys anything for herself - especially if it is frivolous items. I'm not saying that her car smells - it is actually really clean. I just wanted to do something nice for because she does so many nice things for me.

2. Bought step father lunch
           He has really been working hard again at managing the new building for his office in getting done. The deadline is vastly approaching and with this is the stress of getting everything done and approved. So much that many times he forgets lunch - except for today!

3. Tidy up different items at various stores
                I had a boss once that told me that a successful department was a clean department - meaning that all items were correctly put on the shelves in neat piles. I argued back that a successful department would be one that didn't have piles of merchandise - that it would be sold. Needless to say, I didn't last very long at that job. It is ok - I was only 16 and wasn't looking at making this my full time career. However, I did understand that an efficient department was a clean department. I am always trying to teach my kids in school about good organizational skills.

4. Complimented a woman on a dress
           I find it completely frustrating knowing that you have to shop for a special dress for a special occasion. Ok, I'm a horrible shopper. I completely exasperate my friends with this task - to the point where many of them have refused to go shopping with me. Thankfully, I go clothes shopping around 4 times a year (with each season). Anyway, this particular woman was having one of my moments - not knowing how something looked and feeling the verge of a mental breakdown from frustration. I gave her a simple compliment in how nice she looked. Ok, maybe it wasn't simple - she was breath taking.

5. Shopped for a behavior program for the students in my school
            I know that it is Saturday and I do not have to do work related items - but I still do. Ok, I'm a workaholic - but it is for kids, so it isn't that bad - I know that it is for a good cause. Basically, if the students in my school exhibit good behavior, then they get these 'tickets' which they can then use to buy stuff from the school store. My role is to shop for the items and to stay within the budget. I love budgets - they are like deadlines.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 126

1. Gave another teacher a some coffee
              This particular teacher is brand new to our school this year - so I must admit that I do not know him very well. However, I have observed that since his daughter was born, he has seemed very tired lately. I remember those days of my son being younger and not sleeping through the night. Feeling fortunately if I got a solid 4 hours of sleep. Ok, maybe I am talking about last week - but still, I know the feeling of being on your feet and needing a pick me up. What else is better than coffee for this circumstance?

2. Cleaned up an art project that was left in the hallway
                  Sometimes you can't put a time limit on creativity - especially when it is student work. So when the bell rang and they were in the middle of their thinking process, it was just easy to help them by cleaning up.

3. Helped a substitute in a nearby room
           This is a wonderful sub that has worked in my school several times the past couple of years. She is very nice and the kids normally respond to her. I have no idea of why the tv and/or dvd player did not want to cooperate today though. So I asked her to watch my class as they were working on a project about popular music, while I tried to situation her technological difficulties. Eventually, I just moved my tv cart over to the other room and reset everything up. It was a stressful 10 minutes, but knowing that I was helping another person was well worth it.

4. Wrote thank you notes to those teachers that helped organized the first school dance
               There is a lot of work that goes into these types of activities that many people don't know about that particular teachers do. Most of the time they get overlooked without a simple thank you. They deserved a lot more than a note, but it is what I could offer them.

5. Danced with my kids at the dance
          I love dancing and my kids know this rather well because I constantly have them on their feet during class. I'm an ok dancer and normally don't mind looking like an idiot - as long as they are dancing and looking like an idiot with me. This particular dance was fun because it was the first 6th grade dance - so there is already a unique nervousness that just can't be expressed with words - maybe Jazz Hands?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 125

1. Made a CD of favorite music for another student
             So it is close to the end of the second marking period and I wanted to reward a particular student of mine that has been working really hard on his English and Language Arts grades.  So to reward him for working hard to pass the ELA class from marking period one - I made him a cd of his favorite music. Even though he was thrilled with the CD, he was more happy that he is passing, which is a great feeling. By the way -I know that with two more weeks, he can easily get a B in the class.

2. Made hot chocolate for a teacher friend who was sick and absent yesterday from school
               Again, the fall cold strikes again. This particular teacher is a bit prone to strep, so I knew that something warm in the chilly morning would make her feel better. The hot chocolate aspect is because she doesn't like coffee or tea, this is her comfort drink. Who doesn't like comfort when they are sick?

3. Reminded the staff members at school to thank military members in honor of Veteran's Day
              This is often a forgotten, but wonderful holiday. I know that we shouldn't always need a holiday to remind us to thank Military Members, but this is a perfect one because it celebrates all types of military - those that has passed & those that still remain. Those that have moved on with their lives & those that are still active. A truly wonderful holiday. I think that I may start a "Hug a Military Member" campaign once I am finished with these pennies - HAMM anyone?

Note - if you are interested in giving thanks to the Military in a simple way, check out:

4. Gave extra Holiday Cards to another teacher who is putting together care packages for the military
              I talked about this particular teacher and this project in an earlier penny scenario, but it is a worthy cause - so I found, bought, and gave her more holiday cards. I figured that it was a good day to help her since it being Veterans Day and all.

5. Got ice for another staff member for her coffee
             She didn't have a hurt wrist or a sprained ankle - but she was kept close to her desk by helping another student so she wasn't able to prepare her morning coffee the way that she liked it. So I did it for her - Ice and all!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 124

1. Gave flowers to nurses
             It was nurse appreciation day at school today - I just wanted to get them something special to show them how much I appreciated all that they do.

2. Took care of students and materials when another teacher left school sick
              Ok, so I am a music teacher and covering for a math class - a little intimidating. But I was up for the challenge and someone needed to step up to help. Besides, this teacher rarely misses school for being sick. So I know that this was truly an emergency and she desperately needed help.

3. Got substitute a cup of coffee at lunch
               So there was a substitute for a teacher that was near me that was just wondering about in the hallway prior to the next class arrival. I first made sure that she had everything that she needed to teach. She said yes, but would love a spot of coffee if I knew where I she could find some. Really? I'm the coffee queen in my school. Of course, I know where this is some - and even if there wasn't any available, I can easily make a new pot within matters of minutes. Easy to help her.

4. Put together new workout folders for exercise group
                So we just finished cycle 1 of P90x - yeah Tony! The group decided to repeat the same program for round 2. Solo chin ups - here I come! So our folders just needed the new paperwork to repeat this cycle over again.

5. Gave another teacher who was note feeling well some comfort items
              A "Get Well" note, bottle of water, and cough drops.
              I hate having a fall cold, it is annoying - not bad like a summer flu though - but still very annoying. I really just wanted to do something nice for this teacher. I haven't always gotten along with her in the past.

5 Pennies - Day 123

1. Wrote a "Thank You" note to another teacher for helping me with another student behavioral issue
             I normally do well with handling various kinds of student behaviors, but this particular student - well he had all my buttons found and continuously pushed. I needed different tools in my toolbox in order to keep working with this student. I'm an incredibly stubborn person and I don't like to ask for help - I totally blame my Irish background for these traits. However, I knew that I was losing the battle with this student and slowly but surely he knew this fact too. So I asked another teacher whom seemed to have a pretty good relationship with this particular student for advice. She gave me some really good ideas, which I tried out, and has seemed to work better - at least so far.

2. Wrote a "Thank You" note to another teacher for providing a special field trip opportunity with her students
            This art teacher really tries to make her classes as interesting, creative, and hands on as possible. She drives me crazy in the fact that her plans are relatively open and barely structured - but I am impressed in the fact that she makes things work her own way. She is brave and inventive and extremely open-minded when it comes to problem solving - it's the artist in her. If I was ever stranded on an island - I hope that she would be there because she would know how to escape - well, after she made some jewelry out of shells, a sandcastle big enough to live in, and painted the sunrise. Anyway, she collaborated with another academic teacher and decided that her students needed to take a field trip along with the other teacher's students. I really like it when teachers plan like this because it gives our country based students more opportunities to learn outside of the classroom.

3. Gave the behavioral teacher a brownie to cheer her up
                  She was having a rough day because she had so many behavior problem kids that she was in charge of - a 'full house' as we call it. Anyway, with that many behavior issues together, they basically spent the morning feeding off of one another - just to try to make her crazy. Just one look from her when I was getting some lunch time coffee - I knew, she was stressed. Chocolate has its benefit of reducing stress because it releases a happy hormone. It was obvious - she needed a brownie. I was glad that I could help.

4. Gave guidance counselors food for their food bank project
          So as the holidays approach, we have many families within our school that are in need of food for day to day dinners. The guidance counselors annually do a marvelous job in gathering food by holding basket competitions between the different grade levels. This year, I guess from the rough economy, the food drives haven't gone that well. So in order to help them finish 35 baskets - I bought and donated several cans and bags of food. Its for a good cause because it eventually helps my students.

5. Gave extra brownies to other students at lunch time
             I just wanted to treat those students that stop by and help me get my classrooms ready every morning. They deserve more than just me daily saying thank you.

5 Pennies - Day 122

1. Bought and gave teacher friend an extra gift from the Teacher Conference trip
             Her art room is right across the hallway from where one of my music rooms that I teach out of. So for the past several years, we have grown accustomed to each other. Shared our lives, tears, smiles, stories, supplies, and such. She is a really great person to be around. However, on occasion we both can have our 'crabby' days - so I bought her a magnet that made a humorous joke about this feeling. I figured that she can have it on display whenever she needs to. Just to make her smile and laugh, even if it last only a few seconds.

2. Gave cookies to volunteer office helper
             This elderly woman is one of my favorite people that is at my school. Yes, she has wisdom and grace - but the most important thing that I like about her is the fact that she is completely honest and comes up with these 'one liners' - hysterical! She's not mean, but very kind and firm. She reminds me a lot of my great aunt from Ireland, probably the reason why I like her so much. Anyway, she recently made me a whole bunch of copies and laminated a lot of my stuff in order to take on my trip. I just wanted to get her something small to let her know how much I appreciate her help.

3. Complimented a student based on their shirt
              I have brown eyes - so no color shirt really accentuates this fact - except for maybe a brown shirt - but then I look like a chocolate bar. However, it always impresses me when a person that has special colored eyes (blue, green, hazel) wears a colored shirt that makes their eyes look even more spectacular. For example, my son has the most amazing blue eyes - so I tend to buy him a lot of blue shirts for this reason. He's a boy, so it is almost impossible to buy him any clothes that doesn't have a tinge of blue in it somewhere. But this particular student has green eyes and when she showed up for class with a green shirt - wow! You could see her eyes for a mile and then some. The best thing is that when I complimented her, she smiled and then her eyes began to sparkle. Really pretty!

4. Cleaned up books and paper in school's library
            Again, trying to model for other students in how it is everyone's responsibility to keep things clean.

5. Brought in extra treats for my students
           Since I was out for a couple of days last week, I wanted to surprise my students with extra cookie treats to reward their good behavior.

6. Let another teacher borrow a vase for flowers for his wife
             It was his wife's birthday and he got flowers for her prior to coming into school so that he could go straight home and celebrate - very thoughtful. The only problem is that he forgot to pick up a vase to put the flowers in while he worked for the day. No problem, I have plenty in my room.

7. Gave extra brownies to the custodian who cleaned my room while I was away.
           I always fear that if I ever have to take a day off from teaching, that my one room will look like a tornado when I return. If you haven't noticed the theme yet - I am a particular tidy person (ok, I'm OCD), and I like how my room is kept very clean and organized. I work with a lot of students that their home life is very similar to Tornado Alley - so, if I can provide them a sense of comfort through structure, organization, and cleanliness - I'm perfectly happy with this. Having a very organized room really does help my ADHD kids because it sets the tone of focus. Anyway, the one custodian did such a marvelous job in keeping up with the tidiness of my room. I just wanted to get him something extra to show that I really appreciate his extra efforts.

Monday, July 11, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 121

1. Cleaned up trash in the school hallway
                 Ahhh. It is nice to be home and back to my regular world. I loved the convention, but I also love my regular life. So I spent this morning in my classroom. Yes, I know that it is Sunday, but it was nice to be there when everything was quiet - just to get things back to sorts before tomorrow morning brings the students and regular workday. Anyway, as I entered my quiet school I noticed that there were some bits and pieces accidentally left behind. It was simple to clean up and I was happy to be home.

2. Wrote a note to Administration and Supervisors sincerely thanking them for the Conference
               I have such a wonderful Administration team in my building. They really do support me and constantly encourage me in seeking additional education. Not only do they do this wonderful job in advising my continuous professional development, but my two additional Supervisors are also great in this regard. One in particular really pushed for me to both attend and present - even when my paperwork got lost and I was at first denied. This particular Supervisor is such a wonderful person and I am very grateful for all that he does for me, my school, and the county that I work for.

3. Bought extra gift for a son's friend for their birthday party
             4 year old birthday parties - yeah! Lots of candy and cake. Kids running around. Presents being thrown about. It's a scene very similar to any wild kingdom based show. But what stresses me the most is the other sibling of the birthday child - "Hey, what about me? Am I not important too." I have described my feelings about this topic in a prior email and things haven't changed that much. So I just simply picked something up for the other child and the birthday girl.

4. Returned some abandoned carts to store
                 Simple and easy to do to help the outside help.

5. Helped in cleaning up son's friend's birthday party
                Collecting used paper plates, throwing away used cups, carrying presents to parents car - etc. The small things that helped out the parents so that they can enjoy their daughter's birthday party too.

6. Bought extra food for Veteran's Day activity for son's preschool class
              Not only did it help his teacher and his class, but all of the special activities also benefited the local area Veterans. So this penny was like a "Two for One" act of caring. By the way - please always try to do something for the military - even if it is sending an email-card. Think of little things that you can do in order to make someone else smile.

5 Pennies - Day 120

1. Helped facilitate another person's presentation session
              So I was really only contracted to help with 1 other session, but I heard that the organizers were having difficulty in finding people to help - so I volunteer to facilitate an extra session. It was about using technology in the classroom, which I was already planning to attend. This way I can also help out another person while learning.

2. Got my roommate her favorite soda
           Today was her day to present and I just wanted to get her something a little extra to show her that I cared and was wishing her extra luck.

3. Wiped down and sterilize the workout room benches
             Just wanted to clean up the area for others

4. Advised another participant to apply for next year's conference
            So I was getting my own paperwork application for next year's conference when another teacher came beside me and started to ask questions. I guess my name badge really did hold a lot of power :-) Anyway, this particular person just looked at the information and started to move on without taking any paperwork. I stopped her and asked her why not? I then told her to think of her best lesson plan or unit and just submit the idea - no hurt in trying. She smiled and said thank you. I don't know if she ended up submitting anything - I hope so.

5. Shared my lunch with another co-worker
           She was too busy in setting up for her presentation. So I bought some extra items knowing what she liked to eat. Once she was able to have a little bit of breathing time before she started, she was appreciative that I thought of her and sat and ate a little something. By the way - she did an amazing job!

5 Pennies - Day 119

1. Was extremely quiet in getting ready to work out so that I did not bother roommate
                 I didn't want to bother her - she seemed so peaceful sleeping - so I got ready in the dark and tried to be as quiet as possible. It was nice to let her sleep in because I know that lately she was having some late nights in getting everything ready for this convention.

2. Cleaned up ear phones in the workout room
              So there was this pair of ear phones that were used and just laying their on the counter. I'm pretty sure that they were accidentally not put in the used basket - so this was an easy clean up.

3. Picked up trash in food court area
               Threw away excess napkins, plates, straw wrappers, etc. The bits and pieces of life that are discarded and forgotten.

4. Let another woman go ahead of me in the bathroom line
              I had an extra 5 minutes to spare, while she seemed like she needed to go quickly in order to make her next session on time. I still don't understand why there are never enough of bathrooms for women. I mean it physically takes us longer and scientifically we go twice as much as men - but yet, there is the same amount for both facilities. If I were to change anything in any given building, it would be to provide more bathroom facilities for women.

5. Passed along information about a famous BaltimoreTower - Bromo-Seltzer Tower
             So I really owe this penny to a really close friend of mine to actually shared with me the information that I shared with another group of people. There is this beautiful clock tower close to the center of the Inner Harbor and at night it is all light up with blue and purple lights - it is an amazing sight. It is named after the antacid company and even has the name on the face of the clock. So anyway, I was walking back from one of my sessions to my hotel room - which is right beside the tower - and noticed that there were a group of people looking at it. I overheard them asking each other if they knew what it was - my perfect opportunity to put on my teacher hat and share my knowledge that I learned the night before from my really wonderful friend. No matter where I go and what trip I am on - I always have my teacher hat with me.

6. Gave directions to another presenter about where to find her hotel from the Convention Center
              So I am horrible with directions and in naming streets. I have lived in my hometown for the past 31 years of my life (I'm getting close to 33 years) and still can't tell you how to get to my house using street names. The only way that I can really give good directions is to focus on locations - such as, turn right at the library. Thankfully, this other woman understood my direction giving with locations. I was just happy with the fact that I knew where her hotel was - giving her the directions was just the icing on the cake.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 118

1. Picked up used towel and placed in hamper in the workout room
            So the hotel that I will be staying at for the next two days is really nice. The workout room is great and fairly busy with the people that are staying here too. Everyone should take care of their own belongings, but sometimes that doesn't happen too well. Thus, there was a couple used towels that were left on the counter - so I simply took a clean towel, threw it on top of the used towels, gathered everything up without touching the dirty ones, and then put everything into the hamper. And yes, I used the sterilize wipes on my hands after wards.

2. Let roomate borrow extra work out clothes
             I always pack an extra of everything, especially clothing because you never know when you are going to need them. I was glad that she wanted to visit the workout room with me. Working out is great alone, but it is even better when you have a partner. We basically just walked on the treadmills and talked. Again, trying to learn as much as I can from this fascinating person.

3. Helped presenter that was having computer issues
             This particular presenter didn't have a facilitator and was presenting first thing this morning - so the room was a bit out of sorts and the computer/LCD projector weren't communicating just yet. So I told her to continue on with beginning her presentation and I would get the technology things situated - thank goodness that I have my Master's in Technology and I have had to deal with these minor hiccups before. She seemed very uneasy, but once I got things situated for her, she seemed more at ease.

4. Helped a band student from another school move his instrument around
          So yes I am a band teacher and yes I have had to move more than my share of instruments around from gig to gig. Several times I have moved percussion instruments from spot to spot. So when I saw that this particular student was moving a heavy concert bass drum around, which he could have easily fit into, I knew that I could easily help him. During our walk, I also talked to him about what music that he was playing. Really friendly kid!

5. Gave my bottle of water to someone else who was thirsty
           So we were at the Keynote speech at the end of the first day of the conference. I overheard the woman near me talking about how thirsty she was, but all of the bottle waters in the back of the auditorium were taken. I earlier grabbed an extra bottle because you never know when an emergency would arise. So I simply gave it to her. I wasn't thirsty and it wasn't used. She was appreciative, said thank you, and smiled. Something simple, but it meant a lot.

5 Pennies - Day 117

1. Gave another traveling teacher a gift card so that he can quickly get lunches on the go
                 So we have a teacher in our school that we also share with 4 other schools - yup, this particular teacher teaches part time at 5 different schools, which makes up to a full time job with a lot of driving about. Anyway, I often see him carrying lunch from a local convenience store that he will quickly consume before he either starts teaching or he starts packing up to drive to his next assignment. I have also often heard him say that he didn't have enough money or time to stop for lunch - which makes me worry some - you really can't go through a day of teaching middle school kids on an empty stomach - you just can't provide your best teaching. Sort of like that kids can't provide their best learning on an empty stomach - the same with teachers. So I recently received a gift card to the same convenience that he normally stops by. I rarely go in, but knew that he could use it more than I - so it was his.

2. Swept up fallen leaves from hallway in front of art room
             I know what you are thinking, why do you have leaves in your building? Is this art room close to the main outside doors. Well, yes it is - but the leaves are from the art teacher's personally tree. It is nice that she brings in her personally items - it really gives her room a 'home' feeling that the kids really enjoy. It's just that like any tree in the fall - the leaves come down. So in order to continue to make things nice for the kids, have the art teacher happy to have a piece of nature/home with her, and to help the custodians - I have officially named myself the "Leaf Whisperer." I never knew that my OCD issues can come in so handy.

3. Told another teacher how nice she looked
             Ever have a stressful moment? Doesn't it help when someone says something genuinely nice to you? It is like the whole perspective of your problem changes. To know that someone cares enough about you to make a positive comment. Try it out.

4. Got another teacher her favorite soda
           So I have started to getting to know my other presentation partners. This particular teacher loves Mt. Dew - me personally, I haven't drank soda in over 15 years and would like to keep it that way - it burns my nose and throat! Anyway, she volunteered to drive to the hotel that we will be staying at for the conference for the next couple of days. I tried to give her gas money, but she refused - so instead I bought her a couple of bottles of her favorite soda as payment. She ended up saying that she liked this payment better. I hope to continue to learn more about and from this particular teacher - I think that she is truly amazing!

5. Picked up items that a waiter accidentally dropped in the restaurant
            It was a cool little Pub type of place. Great sandwiches and fries. I recently told a friend that some people may enjoy a fancy Italian dinner out, but me I'm a Pub type of girl. I believe that it is my Irish streak - even though I don't touch any alcohol either. Wonderful service and extremely clean. So I wanted to keep it this way - just helped out in picking up where things were accidentally forgotten.

5 Pennies - Day 116

1. Gave another teacher patriotic stickers to use in her classroom
               I openly admit that in the past I haven't been really friendly or nice to this particular teacher. There is something about her that rubs me the wrong way - and anyone that knows me knows that I don't like to be touch. Anyway, in order to be a better person, I need to learn how to tolerate and be friendly towards those that I have an issue with. Ok, maybe that is not the best way to phrase that thought - but it is all I got for right now. So while I dropped off something for her the other day, I noticed that she has this really cool picture of the US flag on her chalkboard. I asked her about it and started talking to me about how important she felt that students need to honor the flag and everything that it stands for. So while I was at the store the other day, I saw these stickers and immediately thought of her. First, what teacher doesn't like or use stickers - regardless of the grade level. Yes, middle school students like getting stickers on their paper just as much as kindergartners! Secondly, they were pictures of the flag. A perfect gift.

2. Bought and gave other teachers holiday cards for a project
            So the Chorus and the Tech Ed teacher always do this project every year around this time - prior to the mad rush of the holiday season. They gather up various holiday cards, have various students sign them, and then mail them to the military all over the world. It is a beautiful and very heartwarming project. I had to do something to help their efforts and this time of the year you can start getting good deals on holiday stuff.

3. Bought and gave good luck presents
            So there are three of us teachers that will be traveling tomorrow to the National Middle School Association Conference in Baltimore, MD. We were selected to make presentations at this major conference - really an honor that I know that I am very grateful to enjoy. Anyway, the one teacher talked about how he is a bit nervous even though that he says that he has everything ready - well, physically - but emotionally he says that he needs a few more days. The other teacher is not only doing a presentation about technology use in the classroom, but she is also in charge of putting together the multimedia art show. She says that her presentation is ready, but she needs more time for the art show. Both seem a little stressed and of need of some encouragement and comfort - just in time for some good luck treats.

4. Cleaned up refreshments from this morning in-service meeting
              Yes, another professional development day - but today it is meetings at our home school.

5. Gathered up excess presentation paperwork for visitors at our school
            So my Principal had this brilliant idea of letting those who are going to present at NMSA do a mock presentation for our entire faculty. This way, it gives us that are presenting a final dress rehearsal before we travel and present for real. Brilliant decision! Anyway, another school who has a presenter heard about this and asked if they could present to our faculty as well. They did a great job and I learned a couple of things from them in regards to teacher/student meetings. As they were gathering things up to leave - I noticed that they missed a whole stack of papers that went along to their presentation. Quickly, I gathered things up and raced out to delivery them before they left - feeewwwhhh!

6. Bought coffee for the person behind me-
               Just because

7. Made cookies for son's preschool class
            Today it was "National Cookie Monster Day!" Again, his teacher is so nice and wonderful. I wonderful how much I would need to pay her to continue with him to elementary school? By the way, yes the cookies were chocolate chip.

8. Shared my lunch with another teacher who didn't have any
            So in an earlier penny I talked about there was a teacher who was both presenting and putting together a multi-media art show. Well, this teacher was so stressed about getting this done prior to leaving tomorrow that she completely forgot to pack her lunch. So I simple shared mind with her and also helped her put the final touches on both of her presentations. They look amazing!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 115

1. Gave another teacher a single packet of hot chocolate mix
             So we had a staff meeting away from our home schools this morning with our supervisor. He is a really wonderful person and always provides juice and donuts for us teachers. Anyway, another art teacher friend of mine does not like orange juice, apple juice, coffee, or tea - the drinks that he provides in the morning. So I brought along a single packed of hot chocolate mix to the morning meeting for her to enjoy.

2. Helped bring in coffee for my supervisor
             He bought it for everyone, it was the least that I could do carrying in creamer, sugar, boxes of donuts, cups, etc.

3. Helped clean up food court area at lunch
            There was a family that just upped and left their trash on the tables at the food court area at lunch time. As if the food court 'mommy' was going to come and clean it up for them. The thing that frustrated me about the scene is that they were two tables away from the trash can! Also, three other people walked by the mess - looked at it - but didn't do anything about cleaning it up. Then as I cleaned it up, another person walked by said something like the nerve of other lazy people - but kept walking.

Note - Hey society, if someone else is cleaning - you saying something is not going to assist them. Put your things down and physically help them.

4. Took care of technological items for supervisor
             He was running around taking care of some other problems that he accidentally left the computer and LCD projector on at the beginning of lunch - I noticed this prior to leaving for the break and turn things off - to help him & save energy.

5. Helped another presenter pass out materials and assist with the computer as he presented
            Regardless if you are presenting in front of 4, 40, 400, or 4,000 people - it is still nerve racking trying to do everything yourself. Simple items like passing out papers or setting up a computerized presentation can be handled by an assistant - this frees up the presenter to do what they were hired to do - present.

5 Pennies - Day 114

Happy Halloween!

1. Cleaned up a Jack-o-latern activity during Sunday School Sermon from the other children.
                Ok, so I am very much done with touch the 'inners' of a pumpkin for this year. This tactile dysfunctional person is having massive issues. But there was a mess to be cleaned - "Do-Dah-Do" my cleaning powers are coming in handy lately!
2. Sent Halloween e-cards to different people at work.
                Who doesn't like getting a card, knowing that someone else was thinking about them?

3. Wrote a "Thank you" card to the church's grounds keeper
           He set up and took down the rows of chairs for yesterdays parade. He is such a nice guy and works extremely hard. The very least that I could do was to give him a thank you card.

4. Wrote a "Happy Birthday" card to another singer from church
               She celebrates her 53rd birthday! She amazes me though, doesn't look past 45! Must be all of that good music, yoga, and walking that she does. I hope that I look like her when I am her age.

5. Picked up trick/treat stuff that another child dropped at a party
            So my son was invited to another Halloween party at a church that one of his friends go to. It is always a nice event because the church provides so much for the kids. Anyway, it was a "Trunk or Treat" type of thing - where you decorate the trunk of your car, park it with the trunk open in a well lit parking lot with a whole bunch of other cars, and let the kids come from car to car. It tends to be a bit safer because it is more manageable than traditional "Trick or Treating." Anyway, I noticed that there was a small 'Elvis' that must have had a hole in his bag because he was leaving a path of candy as he moved along from trunk to trunk. He would have made a better Hansel in my opinion. So, I just simply started to gather up his dropped belongings and put them in another bag. I finally caught up with him and returned his treats with a new bag. His face lit up because he thought I was giving him additional candy than what he thought that he had in his original pouch. I had to explain the story to the mother about the dropped candy. She said that I didn't have to gather and that he really didn't need any more candy. I totally agree with her on that point, looking at my son's stash on the table that will take him to Easter to complete - but still, it is Halloween. Extra candy comes with the holiday and is part of the fun!

5 Pennies - Day 113

1. Let 2 cars go ahead of me while I was driving
            They were waiting patiently for the traffic to clear - but it never really did on both sides. So when my side became clear I flagged them through.

2. Straighten up doctor's office waiting area
                It is fall now, so everyone and their families are sick. The nurses are working so hard to try to get the patients seen - that the little things like magazines, books, newspapers, pamphlets, etc - well, they just land where ever. I had time before my son was called - so that is what I did. Picked up where they just didn't have time to.

3. Picked up a blanket that was dropped by a baby
            The mother had her hands full with taking care of her other son that recently received shots from the doctors. I am extremely thankful that I only have one child to fully devote my attention to.

4. Sterilize the door knobs and seats of chairs in the patient room at the doctor's office
             Again, it is fall and everyone is sick - where my menacing OCD problem becomes my best friend for everyone else sake. 

5. Helped another husband purchase a special jewelry item for his wife for their up coming wedding anniversary.
             He was so nice and thoughtful in wanting to get his wife something, I just had to first compliment him and then help him. Men - it is ok to ask for help especially from women when it comes to jewelry.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 112

1. Brought in Halloween cookies for a pumpkin carving party after school
              If there are any kids reading this - yes, we too adults like to carve pumpkins too. There were about 20 of us. I just wanted to add something nice to the table - other than pumpkins.

2. Gave another teacher a scented harvest candle
             This particular teacher is one of my favorite math teachers. She is so down to Earth and I really like her 'dorky' little ways as she calls them. She is completely honest to the students, but is also very supportive whenever they need her. She works incredibly hard because she teaches several different sections of math, different grade levels, and different learning levels. Secretly, I hope to be like her when I grow up. Anyway, I noticed that in her room she has a bunch of different scented candles. We are not allowed to light these candles or even have 'warmers' in our classroom - but still she has a whole collection of them on her desk. I just wanted to add a harvest spice candle to the collection.

3. Helped another person carry in materials for a staff presentation
              This was an easy one. Why I work out - ha!

4. Took trash out from the pumpkin carving area.
              The custodians cleaned this room prior to us using it for our pumpkin carving party. I didn't want these tid bits to rot in the trash can of the art teacher's room all weekend. So I simply gathered the bags up and took them outside to the dumpster.
By the way - my pumpkin had all of these swirls carved into it. My mother never let up use stencils or 'kits' while we were growing up. We had to use our imaginations and creative skills. She was much better at this than I - but today, my pumpkin did turn out nice.

5. Helped custodians move his materials around the school
               One of my favorite custodians was stuck at school by himself moving his materials around - his broom, mop, cart, bags of trash. It was easy to move his cart to where ever he was going next, while he took care of his trash. Again, the very least I could do in order to help him out.

5 Pennies - Day 111

1. Gave another teacher some hair decorations
             So in an earlier penny, I talked about how an Administrator was planning a teacher and student football game. This particular teacher is actually playing in the game and wanted to show some extra school spirit. I knew that she was either going to paint her face or dye her hair. I got her extra football ribbons to use in her hair. I saw them in a sports store, while picking some items up for myself this past weekend from the walk that I did, and instantly thought of her.

2. Cleaned up the auditorium from the previous night's parade event
                Again, it was a slight mess. Just trying to keep everything organize for the music students and neat for the morning bus staff.

3. Cleaned up art magazines that were left on the floor
               It is collage time in the art area again. The students and teachers get so involved with this activity that everyone loses time. It was easy to just simply bend over and pick the magazines and straighten up the shelves. Organized for everyone.

4. Put away another students band equipment so that she wouldn't be late for school
             This is a really good kid that was just having an off morning. I hate that frazzle feeling. So in order to help de-stress her out and let her get to class on time, I offered to put away her color guard rifle back in the supply closet. Please understand that there is a difference between a real rifle and a color guard rifle - one you shoot with and the other you twirl. Obviously, she's a twirler.

5. Helped clean up the football field after the special activity
              This activity had its ups and downs - but overall was successful for the students. There were some odds and ends to take care of before leaving the field to return back to the school. My students were already being watched by another teacher - so I helped in gathering up the bits and piece from the game. "Always leave the place better than how you received it."

6. Got water for another person who was seated at the same table as me for an evening meeting
              After school and evening meetings are the worst for an educator. We are already exhausted from the day's work, but they are often necessary. This particular teacher was extremely thirsty because they too played in the football game activity. Getting them water was the very least that I could do to help.

7. Reminded another husband to tell his wife that she is beautiful everyday
              So at the meeting, another teacher was starting to talk to me about how he just found out that his wife will be having their 4th child - yes, 4th! He was beaming and as excited as if it was his first one all over again. He went on and on about how much he loves his wife and how wonderful he thinks she is - mark of a very devoted and deeply loving husband. So I just simply reminded him to make sure that she knows this - how beautiful she is to him. I remember being pregnant and inwardly not feeling that pretty because outwardly I was of a very different shape.

Note: Husbands do this. Tell your wife that she is beautiful - especially when she is pregnant. And find particular things to comment on - not just a generalize statement. Wives - let your husbands do this and simply say thank you.

Wow - 7 pennies - busy day :-)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 110

1. Gave a teacher a bookmark of her favorite Bible passage
                 So I have a teacher friend who asked me awhile ago about this passage from the Bible - 2 Corinthians - the one that is about "Love is patient, etc." Anyway, she said that she really likes this passage and wants to do something with it to surprise her husband for their anniversary. So I was at the Christian Bookstore the other day because a new Rob Bell book was announced and I wanted to get some more information. So as I was leaving the store, I noticed that they had a container of bookmarks and on top was this Bible passage. I thought of her instantly!

2. Cleaned up and put away materials from previous night's event
            Last night was a parade - a very late night. Sorry about being grumpy. Anyway, I am only an assistant and just help out where ever needed during the actual parade. So this morning when I got to school, I was a little surprised to see the auditorium a bit disheveled. Some missed placed gloves, a hat box here and there, the chairs were in clusters as oppose to lines etc. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, however we have morning bus duty in the auditorium - so things needed to be straighten up prior to the first bus dropping off.

3. Helped another student finish his test during my planning period
           There are many teachers in my building that regard their planning period as sacred time. I figure that I am always on call - whenever a student needed me. Today was the case. Even though I was tired from the previous night - this student needed me to read his test so that he could finish.

4. Stood in the middle of the walk way for another woman to pass with her small child
           Drivers, please stop your vehicle to let people cross the path in front of the store. Please also be patient when a parent is walking with their child. Yes, I know that it may stall you an extra minute - but showing this respect is so crucial.

5. Gave and share my dinner with a hungry student
            So teenage boys constantly eat. This particular student had a little something for dinner, but kept telling me that he was still so hungry. I believe that it was because he had basketball practice before he showed up tonight - oh, another parade - tis the season of Fall Halloween Parade. So, I shared the majority of mine with him. It was ok, I can't eat a lot and ride a bus anyway - motion sickness sometimes. Besides, he was going to be carrying a heavy drum and march - me, I was only going to walk along beside him.

5 Pennies - Day 109

1. Gave another staff member a "Congratulations" card
            This other staff member just found out that she is going to have another grandchild later on this school year. It was really wonderful to watch her spread the news. I mean, she already has 5 other grandchildren, but she was as giddy as if it was going to be her first. Really nice to see her happy and just wanted to share my congrats with her on the exciting news!

2. Placed snack recipe cards in another teacher's mailbox to use with her students
           One of the aspects of this particular teacher's job is to work with her students in a regular on going cooking unit. I over heard her talking about how she was getting tired of making the same things with the students. So when I was grocery shopping this weekend and noticed that there were some free recipe cards at the end of the baking isle - I gathered a few of them together - knowing that this would help her out. I don't know if she can use these cards verbatim, but it make bring about some yummy inspiration.

3. Wrote a thank you card to the special guest dance teacher from last week
          I really owe this particular parent a lot of thanks - more than what any card could ever hold. However, I did get a card and asked all of my students to write a little message and their name. I want them to learn that showing appreciation should be automatic. I also bought a separate card and wrote about my own appreciation in her giving her time and talents to my students.

4. Bought extra candy for son's school Halloween party
          We were only required to buy/bring 1 bag of candy. However, I know that there are some parents that were not able to do this for whatever reason - ran late at work, couldn't afford, didn't want to, etc. So I bought a couple of extra bags. Besides everything is going to directly to the kids. Wait - what did I just do - did I just buy extra candy that my son is going to bring home? Ugh! :-)

5. Served refreshments to other children at son's party
           So I noticed that the 'cook' was having difficulty in keeping up with both serving the punch and snacks. I jumped right in and started to dish out the drinks while she just kept up with the food. It was easy to help and she was appreciative.

5 Pennies - Day 108

1. Gave another teacher comics from the newspaper that were school related
           So this one took a bit of more preparation than the others - please let me explain. There is a fantastic math teacher in our building that is fairly new. Sadly, I don't know much about her - so in an effort to try to find something that she likes or is interested in other than math, I've been observing her. Please understand that there is a big difference between stalking and observing. Stalking is when you watch someone in order to do harm. Observing someone is when you watch them in order to do good. Yes both requires watching, but the motive behind watch determines which action it is. Anyway, I noticed that on a window in her classroom there are these newspaper comics that she (or someone else) cut out. She at least found them interesting enough to keep and post. So that was my 'in'. For the past 3 weeks, I've been checking the news paper every night for any comics that focused on school related topics. I was actually able to collect over 20! So this morning I put the comics in an envelope, marked it with her name & a tag line that said "Enjoy!", and put it in her teacher mailbox. About an hour later I received an from her that she sent to the entire school staff asking why someone put newspaper clippings in her teacher mailbox? I reluctantly sent her back an email saying that I was the culprit and explained that I noticed that she had a collection of school related newspaper comics on her window. Ok, so I know that I didn't pull this one anonymously - but, at least it was the thought that counted.

2. Wrote an "Encouraging" note to another teacher that was worried about a formal observation
             This teacher is one of the best teachers in our building and it really did surprise me to hear that she was so worried. I rarely see her worry about anything! It just goes to show you that as calm, cool, and collected of even the best teachers - they can still worry. The humbling experience gave me a little hope in my neurotic mind. Like, maybe I'm not that completely crazied - other people maybe just the same, but better at hiding it. Maybe?

3. Burned a music cd for a student
          This particular student is really a card. He does have some reading and learning difficulties, but when it comes to music - he is there. I try to work and check up with him whenever I get the chance, to make sure that he is staying a float in all of his classes. Although there have been times that I have gotten frustrated with him, I know that he has a very gentle and unique heart that is much different than most of the other boys in my classes - I can't stay upset with him for long. Currently, he is working on an extra project with rewriting a song and performing it for his youth praise team at church. He is very God driven, which is also an endearing quality. So he asked me for help with getting him some music to use - no problem!

4. Took back a tray to the cafeteria for another student
            My flute student is working so hard and starting to sound so good. I can't wait till she auditions. I know that she is going to sound fabulous!

5. Complimented an Administrator on planning a special student activity for the end of the week.
            I went to a workshop that was titled: "Don't forget the big people too." It focused on not only providing positive treatment to students, but also to the staff members of your school too. This particular administrator has really been working hard on programing a teacher & student football game. I know very little about football, how they are played, and the scoring - so who gets to be the announcer - ME?!? Great! Now I have a homework assignment - to learn as much as I can about football within the next 4 days.

Monday, July 4, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 107

1. Started breakfast for mother so that she could sleep in
        I'm a horrible cook, but I can do coffee & scrambled eggs. Oh, and my 'Bowl Ala Cereal' is to die for!

2. Bought special Halloween movie for son's school
        I know that everyone is familiar with the Charlie Brown Halloween episode. Please understand that I am not knocking this - in fact it is a staple at my house throughout the month of October. However, there is a book about a square pumpkin that my son's class has been studying for the past couple of days - "Spookley." So I was out and about earlier today and saw this movie sitting on the shelf at the store. I hope that his teacher can use it as supplementary material to go along with her book.

3. Cleaned up Bibles after church service
         Just to keep things nice and neat in the worship center. I mean I want to keep "God's house" cleaner than my own.

4. Bought son's teacher her favorite soda and candy
              I found out earlier that she was taking some additional training classes as a part of her professional development plan. This past Friday she was assessed within the classroom and just received a phone call earlier tonight saying that she passed her evaluation and this class. This class was also a capstone class to an entire program, meaning that since she passed this class - she also passed this program. She was so excited on the phone. It was very sweet of her to get the information and then wanted to share it with us. So I got her a special treat to let her know how proud of her we are.

5. Bought hairdresser candy to give to her other client's kids
             She is always buying candy for other kids. I thought that it would be nice to do it for her this time.

5 Pennies - Day 106

1. Participated in the Breast Cancer Walk & Activity
             I feel really odd with this penny I must admit. I had 3 really important people in my life that had to fight and thankfully survive Breast Cancer - my grandmother, my mom, and my really good friend from high school. I am lucky - I know this. Many people lose their wives, friends, sisters, mothers, aunts, etc. to this horrible disease. So I don't know if this is a good or a bad penny. I am going to try to think positive and claim it as a good penny. Anyway, I participated in the Breast Cancer Awareness Event today. I call it event because there are two options that you can do - the 5 mile walk or the 2 hour Zumba class. In years past, I have done the walk with just my mother - it has been both a bonding and humbling experience. In the past 4 years, we have expanded the bonding moment to include my son. He wears something pink every year - sometimes even a girls shirt or sweat pants - yes, I know that this will eventually traumatize him - but it is for a good cause - right? This year the event also offered the Zumba class - which I have done only a few times, but have deeply enjoyed. So this year, I did 2.5 miles of walking to my mother and my son and then an hour of the zumba class as they played in the kid zone. Even though a part of me was sad because of the content of the event - I still enjoyed the movement and activities.

2. Thanked the Zumba teacher and helped her carry in the materials for the class
              Again, I have only done this type of dance class a few times before - but there was an amazing teacher that I got to work with previously in July. Even though she is more than a tad bit older than me, wow - I struggled to keep up with her! She's amazing! So to show my thanks, I helped her carry in her materials for today's class. As we were walking in, I told her how much I enjoyed the last time I danced in her audience and how much I incorporated her movements within my own classroom with the International Dancing. Again, saying please, I'm sorry, and thank you are so vital in our society - as well as "Where's the Bathroom?"

3. Gave up my dance area to another person so that they can see the dancing instructor better
              So I must admit, in case you haven't realized, I love dancing. I trained in classical dance for over 10 years of my life and really debated about getting degree in college. I decided not to because I wanted to teach and there weren't any positions of this type available within my area. Oddly enough, the past few years some positions have been created! Anyway, I can easily pick up some basic dance moves by only watching the instructor a couple of times. However, the person beside me was having massive issues because she couldn't see what was going on in the class. So I switched her spots so that she could see the instructor better. She said thank you - not only was she a pretty lady - but also very polite. Her act of kindness with words was well worth the switch.

4. Cleaned up trash that was set aside at the food area at the event
                 Making it nice and clean for everyone else, one paper plate at a time.

5. Gave my pink dancing gloves and tote bag away to someone else
                The organizers of the event weren't expecting such a great turn out this year - I believe that it was more popular with the addition of the Zumba class. Anyway, I received a tote bag for raising enough of funds that included snacks, water, and these special gloves. I really thought to myself - "Hey, I have this stuff from the previous years. I really don't need this." So I looked around to see if anyone else wanted these items. Lo and behold a person registered but looked disappointed because it was after the organizers ran out of supplies. I simply walked over and gave her mine. She smiled and said thank you. I noticed that she was wearing a special pin that signified that she had and fought Breast Cancer herself - so it was well worth giving the items away.

5 Pennies - Day 105

1. Gave the one Guidance Counselor a magnet of her favorite football team
            So this particular GC is fairly new to our school. She has only been here for one full school year, but she does such a fabulous job with the students. She also serves on a lot of committees that help in programing special events for the students and overall makes our school a better place. Such a great asset to our school environment! Anyway she had to go to a training session the other day, which she said was very good, but also mentally exhausting. Knowing that she also likes the Raven's football team and that she does such a great job in our school, I had to get it for her - to show her my appreciation - even if I did leave it anonymously in her staff mailbox.
By the way - later on in the school day she sent an email out to the entire school in thanking the person who left magnet. I was going to send her a your welcome email - but that would have broken the anonymous side of this school project.

2. Let another staff member borrow my sweatshirt
               Today was "Blue Spirit Day" at school - remember my school color's are blue & white. So this other staff member completely forgot and wore a brown shirt instead. Even though she wasn't getting yelled at by any staff member, she still felt bad that she forgot. I told her that she could borrow my blue sweatshirt because I didn't need it - I was already wearing something blue. She felt better about this offering. Later on in the day I was talking to her and it seemed like all of the personal frustration didn't even existed from this morning.

3. Got extra cups of coffee for an administrator and a special visitor
              Just wanted to make the visitor to feel welcome at our school.

4. Got an extra bottle of water for a parent who helped teach my students
              It amazes me that one of the most valuable resources that we can use in our schools is often the one that is under-utilized the most - the parents. This particular parent heard it from their son that we were doing international dances during class. Yesterday after her son explained this, she called me after school and asked if she could come in and help. Ah - yeah! Not only did she help with doing my dances, she also showed the students traditional dances that she learned from her country of Armenia. It was really beautiful to watch her dance. After my 3rd period class was over, she said that she was really thirsty but accidentally left her bottle of water at home. I knew where there were some extra bottles, so I simply just got her one.

By the way - she is currently a freelance news reporter for a simple paper company. After visiting my classes, she wrote this really wonderful article including some fantastic pictures of my students performing the various dances.

5. Helped another teacher set up the sound system for her special guest
                It must have been one of those days that we had special people visiting our school throughout the entire day. This particular teacher had someone come in to talk to her Social Studies classes about a current topic that they are working on. She needed the sound system and I easily volunteer to set it up for her to use. Yes, it took about 20 minutes out of my lunch time, but I didn't mind because I knew that I was helping another teacher and also the students would benefit greatly from this special assembly.

5 Pennies - Day 104

1. Gave another teacher special super hero pencils
                So in an earlier penny posting, I discussed how I gave a teacher superhero stickers and that he team teaches with another teacher that liked superheros too. Remember? They decorated their room with life size posters of Superman and Batman? I still don't get how grown men can melt down to little boys with just a sign in the sky or putting on a cape. But then again, if I had special red ruby slippers - maybe Dorthy would be my superhero? Anyway, knowing that the other teacher really liked this genre as well - I got him a pack of "Justice League" superhero pencils. Use them with the good intentions to fight evil - like over due library books and dogs eating your homework!

2. Complimented another teacher because of a really nice sweater outfit
              It seems that this teacher rarely gets to buy anything nice for themselves. I am really bad at this too. Like it is much easier for me to spend my money in buying my son clothes or getting something for someone else, then to go shopping for myself - I have a strange guilt problem with this. Anyway, this particular teacher showed up to school today in a really nice sweater that I have never seen on her before. When I asked her if it was new, she gave me that sheepish grin and said yes. I then told her how nice she looked in it. Then she smiled - and this smile continued on throughout the day - entirely.

3. Compliment another teacher because of a recent news article
              I noticed in the town's newspaper that there was a really nice article about the art teacher and the pottery unit that she was doing with her students. Yes, of course it was well written - but it was really nice to hear all of the positive quotes that she said about our school, the students/staff, and the surrounding community. After reading this, I just had to say how nice the article was - she too smiled.

Note: One of the best things that you can give someone in life, is the opportunity for them to smile.

4. Held the door open for a student who had their hands full
             This particular student was fetching something for another teacher. So since she was being nice for that teacher, I just wanted to repay the favor. Who am I kidding? I would have still held the door open for this student, even if she wasn't going to be nice to a teacher - it's just common courtesy.

5. Wrote a "Thank You" note to those staff members who danced with my students
             So I teach a unit based on world music and dance with my 7th grade General Music students. One of the last activities that we do together within this unit is based on learning and performing various cultures dances such as: Salsa, Irish Step, Hula, Tango, Waltz, and more. Many of my students look forward to this activity the most because it gets them out of their seat and moving around. So today was "International Dance Day" within my classroom and I invited any staff member to come and join the fun. To my surprise a few did including the Drop Out Specialist, 2 English Teachers, 1 Guidance Counselor, 1 Secretary, and even my Administration joined in on the fun. These staff members seemed to enjoy themselves - but it also gave my students an opportunity to enjoy this experience with them. I had to write each of them a thank you note for taking time to participate with my students.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 103

1. Gave another teacher an decoration in the shape/style of a cow
               I know, it sounds weird. That's the beauty that I am starting to realize with the staff members within my school. Not that they are weird, but that they all have such different outlooks on life and each collect their own thing. This particular teacher teaches 7th grade science and is also the head of the 7th grade teacher team - a lot of responsibility comes with job. He is very quiet, but has a great eye for detail. Most importantly is that he will listen to your ideas without passing any judgment. Anyway, he likes to collect various farm items - again, you have to think about the location of where I work and live - basically farm areas. So this past weekend at the church there was Fall Rummage Sale. So when I saw this cow decoration, I knew that he would like it. The best thing is that it was on sale at a very discounted price!

2. Wrote a "Thank You" note to various teachers
               - one teacher for returning some music that they borrowed from me
               - helping a student with a personal problem
               - getting a small personal gift for me
                            I like getting simple things too every once and awhile. Just to show that you care.

3. Complimented various members of the boys football team from their game this past weekend
             This was the first time that I saw many of my football students; mainly because of various field trips and such. So when I saw a group of them sitting together at a table in the lunch room, I knew that I needed to go over and tell them that I was really proud in how hard they worked. You may think that male students of this teenage really don't want to hear a female teacher say that they did a good job - that they want to act all big and bad. However, the kids still like the compliments & stickers - and sometimes when I don't offer silly extrinsic rewards , they question "Well, why not?" Middle school kids are the best - not quite old enough for high school, but still too old to enjoy elementary.

4. Refill the copier with paper
             I noticed that the one that I was using was starting to run out. So instead of letting the next person to do with this, I just grabbed a ream, prepared it, and now letting someone else use it. This is an easy penny to complete by anyone.

5. Spoke with a parent about their child and future colleges
           Yes, even at a young age of the middle school mentality, these students are starting to feel the pressure of going to college. So as I was preparing to leave the school for the night - a parent came into my room asking for advice. No big deal and I was happy to help!

5 Pennies - Day 102

1. Gave another teacher a bag of almonds
              This staff member is the teacher who is in charge of the In School Suspension (ISS) room - I have mentioned about her before in previous pennies. Anyway, her favorite snack to have in the afternoon is almonds. I am glad that she likes these because they are actually really good for you and much healthier than a candy bar. I personally can not eat a lot of them because they hurt my teeth - but she loves them. I just wanted to do something nice for her.

2. Cleaned up refreshments after a school meeting
           It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it. I actually like cleaning up - where my OCD is a blessing.

3. Gave up my planning period to listen to another teacher's concern
            So all I think that this teacher wanted was just someone to listen to them vent. I really didn't ask any questions or try to help them find solutions, just simply listen. Sometimes that is all that people need - someone to listen. And while I was listening, I was completely focused on them - not typing on my computer, not putting away materials, not doing something on my phone, not grading papers - all of these things that I needed to do, I didn't - my main focus was on this particular teacher and being there for them.

4. Wrote a "Thank You" note to another teacher for setting up refreshments for a before school meeting
             Sometimes I believe that a teacher's life is ran by meetings - for me, it was one before and one after. However, I enjoyed the meetings in the fact that I knew I could help others in showing my appreciation and respect.

5. Helped a sick child by gathering his books and instruments
            Ok, I had a child throw up on my today. It really only hit below my knees and some on my left shoe. I am trying to convince myself that it wasn't that bad - although I will never wear these shoes again, and I am debating about the pants. Anyway, I knew that he was embarrassed because it happened at the end of the day in front of other band students who were trying to get their instruments to go home. I just gave him a trash can and sent him to the health office, while paging a custodian to come and help me clean up. Once the custodian had the mess squared away, I quickly took care of myself and then to the student his belongings. I also gave him a bag of animal crackers and a bottle of water - from the stash that I keep in my room. His grandparents were very grateful.
Ok, I am off to take my 5th shower of the day. Did I mention that I had OCD?