Tuesday, June 21, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 68

1. Made a cd of Elvis music for another teacher
                There is this truly gifted ELA teacher in my building that absolutely loves Elvis Presley. I am currently planning on doing a unit with my music students based on him, his background, his music, and his influence on later popular musicians. So I made a cd of my own of his most popular music throughout his lifetime to use in class. Knowing that she enjoys him so, I simply made an extra copy for her.

2. Cleaned up my room and gathered my own trash for the custodians
                    Tonight they were missing an extra person that helped cleaned the rooms in my area. If we all worked together, it eases the amount of work for others.

3. Complimented a student's hair
                So I have a very simple and basic hair cut. It is mostly brown and sometimes debates with itself if it wants to be straight or wavy on any given day. However, this student was adventurous - she cut her own hair! It is this cut little bob haircut, and she has these beautiful ringlets of curls - it is really an interesting haircut that only she can pull off. I just had to say something.

4. Talked to a teacher about her interest with homeless horses
             So I was listening to the news this morning about how there was a recent fire at a local horse farm and there were several horses that were now homeless. I don't know much about this particular teacher and actually normally try to avoid her in the hallways, meetings, and such. But I do know that she likes horses. So I took a deep breath, stepped out of my anti-social box, and struck up a conversation with her about this news article. We spent about 15 minutes talking about this - well, she mainly talked and I just listened. 15 minutes! In this one penny we talked more then collectively in the past 10 years. I really learned something from her today, be passionate about something.

5. Bought cookies for son's Godfather because has had a couple of rough days at work
           We had church tonight and I knew that he would be there. He just needed a pick me up and chocolate chip cookies are his favorite - isn't that true with just about everyone?

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