Saturday, June 25, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 82

1. Bought a horse calendar to another teacher
                This is the same teacher that I mentioned before in having a conversation about the homeless horses in a previous day's penny. Anyway, while I was out and about I saw this September to September calendar that it's theme was horses. As soon as I saw it, I knew exactly who it was going to belong to.

2. Helped a student who was very upset to try to find their cell phone
               Why a middle school student needs a cell phone is beyond me? Really, are middle school students that busy? If so, we have a problem that is much more important than a lost cell phone. However, the student was really upset and I hate seeing my students upset - regardless of what the reason was. Although I had a massive amount of work to grade on my desk - my most important job I felt was to make sure that this student was ok for the day. By lunch time they found out that the cell phone slipped out of his pocket on the school bus. Ok, crisis adverted!

3. Complimented a student based on her haircut
                 I have this brilliant student that has the prettiest red hair. However, she definitely has her own style that she expresses from head to toe. Her name may be common - but her confidence makes her unique. Anyway, she decided to cut her hair really short on one side while keeping it a little long on the other. There is no way that I could have ever pulled off this hair cut - and honestly, I don't know many other that could as well. But this student - she could, she did, and wow!

4. Sharpened all of the pencils in the pencil cup for gym teacher
              I saw a cup of these pencils on her tv cart. But when I reached for one, the tip was broken. I reached for another and there was barely a tip at all. So by the third pencil I realized that I needed to just sharpen all of them. It was about 5 minutes in exchange for a cup of newly sharpened, ready-to-use pencils.

5. Showed a visitor at church the location of the bathroom
             Anytime I am in a new place, this is one of the first locations that I learn. You can tell a lot about a facility based on their bathroom. When I was little I would refuse to eat at a restaurant if I felt that it wasn't clean enough. This would upset my father greatly, but my mother would completely understand my need to be clean.
Note - restaurants - I know that you have to have a sign about washing your hands according to OSHA - but please keep this area clean. If you can't keep this area clean, it does not give me hope that my food is being cooked in a clean area either.

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