Saturday, June 25, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 81

1. Bought a math puzzle book for another teacher
                 So this particular teacher is extremely hard working and incredibly brilliant. In all of his wonderful traits that he possess, I still have a hard time in finding an angle to understand him personally - no the math pun was not deliberate, but it does make sense. To be perfectly honest, he actual intimidates me a great deal. However, one of the rules that I set up for this project is to try to learn something from each staff member within my building. This includes those that for whatever reason, I don't mesh with. So the one day I had to go to his classroom to drop something off for another student and noticed that he keeps a Suduko desk calendar by his teacher computer - finally I breathed because I knew exactly what treat to get him! That afternoon I went to the dollar store and picked up a small leisure booklet. Today he received it in his school mailbox.

2. Wrote a "Thank You" note to another teacher for working with another student prior to the school day beginning.
          Us teachers are not "9-5" workers. We often come in early or stay after late to work with students for various reasons, ie. clubs, catch up, community stuff, etc. These opportunities are often under the "other" caption within our job description - that we often do not get paid for, and even more so, rarely get thanked. However, these moments are usually the highlights of our teaching day. This is the time that we get to really learn about the student on a one-to-one or small group aspect. This is the relationship building component to our job - something that if we excel at, then our daily job becomes easier and more manageable. This particular teacher often comes in early to help his students with different needs. He just deserved a thank you note at the very least.

3. Bought a cafeteria worker her favorite chips
             This particular worker helps wash the tables throughout the different breakfast and lunch shifts. In addition, she also helps in the teacher work room by copying materials and laminating materials for us when we are in a hurry. She is a really nice lady that has a lot of wisdom - when you have the time to listen. Whenever I am in the workroom, I always try to learn something from her - mostly the stories that I like hearing from her is focused on manners. So to show my respect and thankfulness, I bought her favorite chips.

4. Gave up my lunch time to work with a student auditioning for a private school
             This is one of my favorite students right now because he is so hard working. Her audition is months away, but she picked a really hard piece and really wants to do well. So if she is going to put in the extra time - well, so do I.

5. Gave my extra gym socks to another teacher prior to work out
            Today it was kickboxing - one of my favorite routines - not because of the kicking or the boxing - but just the workout is hard, but I feel so good afterwards - like I really did something good for myself. Anyway, this particular teacher forgot a pair of socks for workout. I always keep an extra pair in my gym bag for such an occasion. I didn't want her to develop blisters on her feet from the workout, so I gave her mine. By the way - I asked her not to give them back, even if she washed them - OCD, no thank you.

Extra penny-
6. Bought and gave the SPCA extra cat food
           I read in the newspaper this past weekend that they were running low on this supply and could use the communities support. It was easy to pick up a bag at the grocery store.

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