Wednesday, June 8, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 24

1. Wrote a "Thank You" card to a local educational program/building
                In my hometown there is this wonderful children's center that has various activities for various ages to participate in. My son particular likes the airplane and train area. He actually hates the dinosaur, but I think that the creatures are a little too big for him at this time - I don't know, we will just have to wait a year. He also loves the planets area and can easily identify almost all - which is wonderful because science was my weakest subject in school. Anyway, this place is completely awesome for young kids to come and spend some free time in while learning and doing at the same time. I just had to write a note of thank you.

2. Made homemade Zuchinni Bread for my school's Administration
               Today was their official first day back to school. I have a wonderful Principal that really focuses on listening to the parent and incorporating their ideas within the school. I also have a fantastic Assistant Principal that is completely charismatic towards the students, but will easily lay down the discipline when needed. Then I have a new Administrative Intern - he is newly out of the classroom and is learning the ropes of this type of job. All three Administrators are so great at what they do and honest make my job easier in regards to discipline and program support. They often do a lot of the hard work that we teachers don't know about. They deserved this homemade treat to welcome them back.

3. Left an extra tip at lunch for waiter
                He was especially nice to my son by providing extra crackers since our order was taking longer than normal. Really, if you are nice to my son - you gain a lot of respect from me.

4. Helped other children with climbing on and off of the seesaw at the local Park
              I remember being little and being afraid of this contraption not so much of getting on and riding the up and down - but most importantly getting off. There is a trick in doing this that the other person has control over the weight balance for their partner. If the person immediately gets off, the other person slams down & hard too. If the person takes their time, then the other person has a shot at safe landing. It is a hard balance to perfect unless there is an extra body available to help. I was that extra body. I'm not exactly for sure what my superhero name would be - "See-Saw Girl?" - but I was there to make sure that no child was flying and no hinie hurt.

5. Wiped down everyone's exercise mat within our workout group
               One of the nicest things about it being August is that our exercise group is back together. I do a program at school called P90x - which I love the program Mr. Tony Horton! There is a group of us that have started this last spring and I am looking forward to working with this group this school year. It is so much better and easier to do it with a group of people. Most importantly, I have developed some really strong friendships through this program - something that is both physically and emotionally healthy.

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