Saturday, June 18, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 58

1. Cleaned outside church benches from bird droppings
                Aaahhh - the trouble of having an outside service - the nature catches up with the humans.

2. Prepared outside Children's Service gathering area
             So in an an earlier post I talked about cleaning up from a Children's sermon, but today I wanted to start from the very beginning in the help. So I brought out the rug, pillows, microphone, and other supplies for the sermon leader. Something easy to do to help out another person.

3. Set up extra music and service bulletins for other praise singers
            This particular person was going to come into the service late because she offered to take care of snacks after the first service. Since she was going to be nice to someone else, then I wanted to be nice to her. So that when she arrived she had everything that she needed and didn't have to hurry around to prepare.

4. Took pictures for a family that sat in front of me & my son at a baseball game
                  So was able to get free tickets from my step father for an Orioles baseball game. I'm not much into following sports, nor do I have a favorite team - but I love seeing professional sports game in real life - not on the tv. There is something about the senses hearing & seeing things - a new perception thing. Anyway, there was 2 fathers and their 2 sons that sat in front of us. They were each trying to take pictures of their family while they were having a good time. I just wanted to provide an opportunity for all of them to be in a picture. I rarely have a picture of myself and my son - so I wanted to make sure that these sons had that opportunity. It was a special moment between a father and son.

5. Let another woman and her son go to the bathroom in front of me.
           Similar to someone going ahead of her in the grocery store line - I had a spare 5 minutes. Plus, she had a small boy that obviously really needed to go to the bathroom. I remember the days of trying to potty-train my son, any extra help I greatly appreciated it.

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