Tuesday, June 7, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 17

1. Bought hot chocolate for a teacher friend who wasn't feeling well.
                 So I was at another meeting - yes, I keep myself busy during the summertime - and prior to going I get a text from my one teacher friend saying that she wasn't feeling that great and wasn't going to stay that long at the meeting. Knowing that her comfort drink to have when she is sick is hot chocolate - I just knew that I had to get her a cup - even though it is in the middle of summertime.

2. Wrote a Welcome Back post-card to a friend coming back from a long vacation.
                Vacations are wonderful to have - but coming back and hearing from friends and family that you were missed - even better. This is like a cup of hot chocolate but for the soul.

3. Bagged groceries for another customer at the supermarket
                   So I was finishing mine and just on the spur of the moment decided to help another person out. The U-Scans are wonderful places, but can get rather busy very quickly - so it was just a way to help another person out while keeping the traffic lines down. I would say that in my former life I was also a cashier, but in my real life for a brief period during my high school days I worked in the family business at a grocery store. I quickly learned how to bag - but I will admit that I am not that good nor quick. So instead of bagging, I became one of those girls that give out free samples of food and such - this is something that I could do with ease.

4. Congratulated a co-worker for working hard to implement a better program at our school
              It's always nice to hear that you are appreciated at work.

5. Gave special star post-its to a little girl
              She was being so good at keeping herself entertained while her mother attended a meeting. She just deserved something special.

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