Monday, June 20, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 64

1. Picked up and rehung clothes that someone else accidentally knocked down at a clothing store
                  When I was in high school, I spent some of my part time working experience at a local grocery store and other part time working experience at a clothing store. Knowing that when I was about to tidy up my area, regardless if it was restocking shelves with food or straightening up hangers with  clothes, it was at the same time that customer arrived needing assistance. So presented two tasks that I needed to take care of immediately. If I chose cleaning up my area instead of assisting the customer, I later had my boss scolding me for not putting the customer first. If I chose assisting the customer instead of cleaning up my area, I later had my boss scolding me for how unprofessional the items looked. After awhile it seemed liked I could never win when it came to this situation. So whenever I see clothing items on the floor or a bread shelf that needs tidying up - I just simply straighten in order to help the stock worker out.

2. Gave my closer parking spot to another person, who later I found out had a baby with her
                So as I was pulling into the parking outside of a store something in me said, "Wait - not this space - give it to someone else." And so I did. I put my Jeep into reverse, pulled out, made a loop around, and parked at a further spot. At first I was pretty sure that the car behind me was confused, perplexed, and maybe even a little angry that I wasted 2 minutes with this decision. However, as I walked through the parking lot, passed my original spot, and into the store - I noticed that I gave up my spot to a woman who was carrying a small baby - then things sort of melted away. It was a nice moment.

Note - It is healthier for you to park slightly away. Good for the heart that you gave it to someone else, but also good for the heart because it gives you some extra time to walk and exercise.

3. Cleaned up the patient's room at my son's doctor's visit
               This was a check up on a previous visit - but the same intent was there. I really do respect my son's pediatrician and the facility. Normally they keep it extremely clean, but every once and awhile there is a storm of sick kids that comes blazing throughout the day. To keep things constantly tidy is next to impossible with the amount of traffic. So just to help out, I straightened the magazine racks, the chairs, the freebie area, the extra newspapers, and such. It was also a great way to spend some extra time while waiting to be called to be seen by the doctor.

4. Bought some extra supplies for the church's fall mission project
              Since the project with the book bags are done, it is time to start another mission project within the church. This time it is putting together adult personal hygiene care kits. So instead of giving money during the regular service offering time, I spend the money on purchasing items and supplies for this mission project. I am sure that God likes all gifts - regardless of any shape or size.

5. Sent Grandparents an extended letter for Grandparents day
               I have a very ill grandfather - in fact the doctors has told us his family that he is terminally ill. Even knowing this news himself, he doesn't care. He knows that he has lived a very long and plentiful life full of experiences and love that he does not regret. He is an amazing human being. So knowing that this will probably be his last official recognition day, I wanted to make it extra special for both him and my Grandmother.

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