Thursday, June 23, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 74

1. Bought a table mat of a favorite football team for another teacher
                It is September and in the area that I teach, it really only means one thing - FOOTBALL. This particular teacher really loves this sport and a particular team. When I saw it in the grocery store the other day, I knew that it was her -yes, this particular math teacher loves the Ravens - purple and gold baby! Although my son asked me why I was buying football stuff - I replied that it was for another teacher. He then said - oh, I approve then! Funny kid.

2. Moved chairs closer for discussion at a teacher meeting
              Have you ever been in a meeting where you feel that you are left out of the mix? Think about where you were sitting or how the chairs were arrange. King Arther had the 'round table' for a reason - so that everyone was included. At my meeting, I wanted to make sure that everyone felt that they were included -  that they felt free to agree and disagree on topics. They they were actively participating in adding suggestions and looking for potential problems. Everyone is welcome!

3. Helped another teacher how to do a workout move
          So I am not saying that I am a kickboxing queen - but I will say that I do enjoy the activity and I am getting better at the exercise. There is this one move that takes more coordination then actual strength to complete - it is called "The Star." Basically you have to move your body a particular way, have your hips and side lined a particular way, and move your arms to block a particular way. So again, there is no hitting or kicking - but the object is to block from different angles with a lot of coordination. The one other teacher that I was working out with kept on getting confused on the body position, which would let her do the other to movements. So I broke down the exercise slower than what was on the DVD and walked her through it step by step. She was beginning to get it. Ahhh - my first workout student!

4. Disinfected another teacher's chair and computer area
           She hasn't been feeling good for the past couple of days - a light cold she says. Well, even if it was a downpour of a cold or just a spritz - a good disinfection of the computer and the surrounding area is something worth wild in doing. At least, it gave this OCD person peace of mind and heart.

5. Returned abandoned cart at grocery store
             It still amazes me with the amount of carts that are just left in a parking lot. Maybe these objects have legs and are secretly trying to escape!

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