Monday, June 27, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 91

1. Bought another teacher a poster of her favorite singer
              So the chorus teacher at my school is madly in love with Bob Marley. Well, maybe that is an exaggeration - so maybe I should say something like completely obsessed?!? Anyway, she has a lot of different posters of him throughout her room. But I found a poster that she didn't have yet at a local vintage art store. When I saw it, I knew who it was going to belong to.

2. Helped another teacher by sitting with a rough student and working with him one-on-one
               There was a particular student that was having a rough day - well, he has been having several rough days lately. I know that he has the capabilities of being a decent student, but some sort of bee has gotten into his bonnet - maybe even a whole hive. Anyway, I heard him and the teacher getting close to lose both of whatever patience that they had left. So instead of using my planning time to work in my classroom - I felt that my time would be better spent in helping both of these individuals to get through the reminder of the class period in one piece.

3. Checked in on a sub throughout the day to make sure that she had everything that she needed to function
           I was a sub throughout college working on my bachelor's degree and then prior to getting the current teaching position that I am in. Even though that this was 10 years ago, I'm pretty sure that all subs have that fear of not having the materials that they need to function. Another fear that I think that may be standard regardless of the passing of time is the fear of having an out of control class. I will admit that in my sub career, there were a few days that both of these fears became realities. During these times, I would often pray for someone to come in to offer assistance. Sometimes this would happen, but most of the time I was there with the rope hanging. But now looking back on those days, I have vowed to always check in on subs to make sure that they are ok, on their feet, and functioning. If those three things are covered - then Houston, we don't have a problem.

4. Volunteer time by working a concession stand at a high school football game
           So I have a great group of parents that support my band students with various needs. Financially, they support by often paying for music, field trip buses, uniform cleaning, and more. However, finding money in their account to use can become a unique challenge. One way that they earn money for my students is by running a concession stand at the town's high school football game. And as easy as that may sound - it really isn't. I know, it sounds like oh here's a hot dog & a soda enjoy your game. This  is what I thought a few hours ago. But this opinion quickly changed. I started this volunteer shift at 5:30 and the next time I looked at the clock it was already 10:15 - whoa! And as hard work as it was, I  am glad that I did it. Not only did I give my time to a beneficial program - but now I have an even high sense of appreciation for this group of parents. Thanks You!

5. Took back dirty trays for other teachers to the cafeteria
               Just to be nice and help them out - Easy.

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