Friday, June 24, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 78

1. Left another car go ahead of me
          It was trying to make a left hand turn and was waiting for 2 full songs that played on the radio. I had no urgency, so I let them go ahead.

2. Bought mother & stepfather their favorite candy
          For no particular reason - I just thought that it would be something nice to do.

3. Moved a street sign out of the middle of the street
         So today was a bit windy of a day in my town. Up the road from where I live they are doing some construction work on the road. It being Saturday, the workers were either not there or they were on a lunch break. However, the wind carried the sign into the middle of the street where cars where driving and swerving around it. I just pulled over, watched out for traffic, and moved the sign back to the side of the road. Then I put a nearby sandbag to hold it down.
Ok, so if my mother is reading this blog - yes, I took precautions. I looked both ways. I waited for cars to stop. I wore bright shirts. It was in the middle of the day. I waved my hands. And most importantly, I had on clean undergarmets!

4. Bought extra apples and caramel dressing for son's preschool class
                 Johnny Appleseed week - Part 2.
         Apparently, they had so much fun last week with apples that it was extended into this week. I told the teacher to let me know what supplies she needed to help.

5. Thoroughly washed and cleaned the kitchen for my mother
          She had to work extra at her school today, when she normally takes Saturday morning to do the cleaning chores around the house. I just wanted things to be clean for her when she got home and she was tired. From little up she always said, "A clean house is a happy house." I like it better with the saying, "You can never be too clean!" Did I mention that I was OCD lately?

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