Sunday, March 25, 2012

5 Pennies - Day 240 Recovered

1. Gave money to a teacher for a community service activity
                This particular teacher is doing the Relay for Life event in a few weeks with her kids. I love hearing about these types of things - involving the family to make a difference in the world. 

2. Reprieved another staff member from student
                This particular staff member is in charge of the in school disciplined students - so needless to say that in my opinion she has one of the toughest jobs in the school. Lately she has been having repeat offenders in her area that have decided to be more disruptive than usual. She is quickly getting burned out from these students. So to give her a break, I 'borrowed' a student from her and had him do his work in my office. Although it was only a 30 minute reprieve, it gave her a chance to calm down and the rest of the students in her area to focus in peace. Instantly her mood changed.

3. Wrote a 'Thank You' note to supervisor
                 A few months ago I asked my supervisor if he could purchase me a full size keyboard for the music office so that I can use it as a practice studio with my students. I never heard back from him and just thought that it was wishful thinking. Yesterday I was called to the front office with 2 big packages waiting for me! The first big package was the keyboard & the second was a stand to place it upon. I drug the boxes back to the music office and dove into them like it was Christmas morning! Everything is up and put together - so cool! I just had to write him a note in expressing my appreciation.

4. Sent an angel card
                I sent my angel card this morning to my patient. Just a simple note saying that I was thinking about her and hoping that she was having a good day.

5. Bought a special cookie for postal worker
               It was raining this morning as I went to the supermarket for my weekly ritual of buying groceries. I saw these cool Easter cookies and instantly thought of different people that I know of that deserve a special treat. Instantly I wanted to give it to someone who had to work out in the rain today. I remembered as I was driving into the parking lot that there was one of those corner workers - the one that is dressed in silly outfits advertising their company and they wave to you as you drive past. So I bought the cookie with them in mind. However, when I drove away from the grocery store I noticed that the corner person wasn't there anymore. Maybe they were on a break or decided that they were not going to stand out in the rain anymore. So then I thought about other people that I knew that had to work today in the rain. Like fate would have it, I drove past the mail office and knew that my postal worker would appreciate the simple gesture. As soon as I arrived at home, I clipped the special treat to the mail box.

5 Pennies - Day 239 Recovered

1. Bought craft supplies for another teacher 
              There is this crafty ELA teacher in my building that had this brilliant idea of making these special pens to use in the main office for when parents/visitors come in to sign in. Actually it all started when this particular teacher over heard one of the secretaries comment on how the front book pens are always taken by accident. So this teacher had an idea that if she made special pens, then people would know that it belongs with the school. Anyway, she did some research and found a really cool craft to make with pens in a special design. She showed me the end results - I must say that they are so cool looking. A day later she sent a school email out asking for pens - instantly I knew that I needed to buy her pens to help her finish her work. So last evening I bought her two different types. This morning I felt compelled to also write her a note saying that her idea is "Out of this World" - it was accompanied by a space shuttle eraser.

2. Bought chocolate treats for the Guidance Office
               So this week wraps up our state assessment - yeah! I know that the guidance office has been working really over time to make sure that everything ran smoothly and is still continuing to make sure that all of the makes were done with the students who were absent. I can't imagine how much work it takes to make sure that all 800 students take all four days of state assessments. They deserve a lot of credit for the time and energy that they put into this. I just needed to tell them how much I appreciated their hard work - what better way they individual small boxes of chocolates!

3. Helped another student who was having a bad day
                 So as I was walking back to my teaching area, I noticed that one of my students was storming out of her classroom. Clearly she was upset and this wasn't like her at all. Not to pry into her business, I went over and asked if she just wanted a 5 minute break in my music office to calm down. With big alligator tears on her cheeks she shook her head yes and went to my office. I told her teacher that she was with me for a little while to calm down and pull herself back together. In my office I offered her some M&M's (her favorite) as I prepared for my next class. Soon it was time for me to teach and I asked her that if she stayed, just let me know when she was going back to class. Within minutes of me teaching she poked her head in my classroom & waved goodbye with a thumbs up. She really is a good kid. Sometimes we all just need an area to fall apart and then to put ourselves back together. I'm glad that I was able to provide this to her. I really don't know what happened, but at least she left my area being whole again.

4. Covered another class for a teacher 
              This particular teacher wanted to go on a field trip with her students, but she teaches two different grade levels. So I offered to cover her one class so that she could join in the fun with the other grade level. In the meantime I learned about friction & gravity - cool ehh?

5. Wrote a 'Good Job' note to another teacher 
               The technology teacher at my school put together this cool video for our school's website to welcome visitors. It has all of these pictures of the different teachers/students/areas of our school. She also had her students design many of the layouts as a class project. The final product is really interesting to watch. In addition, she is currently having her students make brief videos to show when new students enter our school. How could I resist in writing a 'good job' note to this teacher & her creative ideas?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

5 Pennies - Day 238 Recovered

1. Helped put away swimming devices
               So my son is just about to pass his level of swimming classes - testing out of Eels and entering into Rays. He has really gotten much better since we switched coaches and facilities. He does have a long way to go before being completely comfortable and safe in water, but lately he has been swimming without any flotation devices. In fact this recent swim lesson the coach took off the 'floaties' from all of the students. Towards the end of class, I simply went over to gather them up and put them away. Easy to do so that the kids wouldn't be tripping over them while getting out of the pool.

2. Gave students a smiley pencil
              I love being a teacher. And on most days I like being a teacher. Then there are those few days that I scratch my head and ask myself the frustrating question of "Why did I become a teacher?" These days are often few and in between, but today one hit me as 4 waves of upset parents lapped on me. I know that I shouldn't take things personal, but the words of these parents were as vicious as an emotion tsunami. So by the afternoon crept in and after school approached, I was beyond exhausted in my teaching. Then two brave band students stayed after school for extra help on a music piece. They recently performed at the regional small ensemble festival and earned a high enough score to be invited to participate at the State level. As tired as I was, I just couldn't say no to helping these students. I am glad that I didn't. "Why did I become a teacher?" These two students showed me why. They so badly want to improve on their skills and instruments - not to please me, but to please themselves. Just working with them made me feel a lot better. I had to give them a 'thank you' gesture - a smiley pencil because they brought happiness to my afternoon.

3. Volunteer at a College Event
               There is a staff member in my school that is in charge of disciplined contained students. However, more importantly she is also in charge of promoting a college/career based atmosphere. She is apart of this county committee that has been working together to host an event night so that parents/families can learn more about college and financial need. She's an amazing person and just hearing her talk about this event, I wanted to help her somehow. So I asked if she needed any volunteers at the welcome table. Gladly she accepted the offer and tonight I was able to help welcome over 600 people to this event. It was a fantastic turn out! I wish that there was something like this when I was about to go to school. I'm sure my mom would have been grateful for the extra information.

4. Encouraged a disabled walker
                 This weekend I participated in a St. Patrick's Day Run/Walk. It was a 5k for those who ran it - and yes, I was crazy enough to be one of those people. Anyway, on my second lap of run and just about completely out of breathe I saw a young boy moving along with his walker. Here I was internally complaining about running the 5k and wanting to give up at any second, while a few paces ahead of me this young guy had the bravery to keep going despite his unsteady walking skills. I instantly ran up along side of him and cheered him on, "Keep up the good work - you're almost done." At least this was my intention - what actually came out was something similar between gasp of much needed air. He was so wonderful to watch.

*For those that want to know - I finished the race at 32:03. This is my personal best and I have shaved off over 12 min. since my first race :-)

5. Helped an older woman with her grocery basket
                 I was in the U-Scan line at the grocery store waiting my turned. I noticed that ahead of me was an older woman shuffling her basket along as we both inched our way to the cash register. It was a very interesting sight to see because this woman was dressed from hat to heel in a red polished dress suit kicking this green plastic basket around. I wondered why she would do something like this. Anyway, I simply went over and picked up the basket and put it at the self scan registered so that it would be easier for her to scan the groceries without bending over. She then turned to me and thanked me for my gesture. I told her no problem and she proceeded to tell me that her sugar is low and she just needed to purchase some food to eat in her car so that she could drive home. It was so low that she just didn't have the strength to hold the basket and wait in line. In a way I felt bad for her circumstance, but in another way I was glad that I could help her.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

5 Pennies - Day 237 Recovered

1. Donated clothes to clothing drive
                  So spring is just around the corner and what a wonderful way to clean out my closet then to donate the clothes to a drive that we are having at school. Not only was I able to straighten my closet more, I was also able to clean up my son's clothes to. Everything that we donated was in good use with limited stains and even more limited holes. I hope that these clothes will go to good use.

2. Made Cherry Pies for students
                So there is a wonderful math teacher within my building that just came off of maternity leave. I remember how hard it was when I first left Sean and how much my heart ached being without him from day today. On top of this discomfort, her baby girl has some serious health issues and the teacher lost her mother last year. So needless to say, this teacher has had a roller-coaster life this past year. I just wanted to do something nice for her and her students in honor of "Pi ~ 3.14 (March 14) Day." So I made her and her 80 students these mini cherry cheese pies.

3. Gave all the Math teachers a special treat
             So our state assessments are soon approaching in the matter of days and math in our school has traditionally been our weaker area. Anyway, also in honor of 'Pi ~ 3.14 (March 14) Day' - I just wanted to do something nice for all of the math teachers. So I got each of them a pencil with smiley faces on it and an oatmeal pie (cookie) thingy. The note attached to the treats said "Happy Pi Day!" I'm not for sure how many math teachers go the pun, but it was nice to do something special for them.

4. Made Soda Bread for various staff members
              This weekend celebrates St. Patrick's Day, which being from an Irish family - it is an important time of the year. My mother gets all crazy with sprinkling the baby powder all around the house and hiding golden coins. Me, I'm into making the family's traditional Irish Soda Bread. I couldn't find just pure raisins for the ingredients of the bread - so I made the dough and folded in a mixture of cranberries & grapes into the mix. The cranberries gave the bread an extra good flavor. The next time that I make some loaves, I will use just cranberries. So I made 5 mini loaves in total and took 3 of the loaves into work to share with others. I hope that every enjoyed them. 

5. Bought Easter Candy for church
               So the church that I attend is having a special Easter Egg hunt for the younger kids and is asking for wrapped Easter candy  that can be used inside the fake eggs. The only problem is to find special candy that will fit in a plastic Easter eggs and doesn't have any peanut butter ingredients involved. This makes shopping for this special item very unique :-) However, I did and bought 3 bags of various tootsie roll flavores and different hershey kisses with various flavors. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

5 Pennies - Day 236 Recovered

1. Gave flowers to another staff member
            There is a staff member that works very hard with the Special Education students within my school, but she has been really sick lately. I'm not for sure if I totally understand her illness, but many mornings she has told me that she battles 'it' just to get to work to collapse in her office for another 20 minutes until the medicine can fully kick in. Well, this past week she has been absent many days and I am very worried about her. Just yesterday she felt ok enough to come back to school only to make sure that the various special education students are taken care of with the approaching state assessments. I had some extra flowers in my room that really I could think of no one else that needed them more.

2. Wrote to my Angle Assignment
             Recently I have become an angel writer to another woman that is battling Breast Cancer in the same relative area that I live. Due to the patient health information, I am not allowed to talk about her with anyone - but I will say that it is something nice that I will be looking forward to doing every week for the next year. What a great opportunity to help someone out and let them know that you are thinking about them :-)

3. Wrote a 'Thank You' card to the Pastor of the church
              So the Pastor of the church that I go to mentioned this book, "365 Thank Yous" a few weeks ago in one of his Wednesday night service sermons. Basically it is about how there was a guy who wrote someone a 'Thank You' card everyday for an entire year and learned so much about appreciation and gratitude in his life. Instantly, I was convinced that I needed to read this book. It truly is an amazing story and I highly recommend it for everyone to read. I thought that there was no better way to share my appreciation with the Pastor than to write him a 'Thank You' card myself.

4. Returned an abandoned toy to child
             So my son and I went to see 'The Lorax' at the movie theater yesterday. I actually told him that if he read the book along with 10 other Dr. Seuss books I would treat him to the movies. I really want my son to know that reading and studying is important, but also reward him when he works hard. Anyway, we saw the movie and it was pretty much true to the book. Afterwards, I gave my son a dollar to play in the mini arcade area. While he was doing one of those driving machines I noticed that another little boy accidentally left his stuffed bear at a video game. Quickly I grabbed it and turned to meet his sister looking at me. I bent down to ask her if she would return this toy to her brother - instantly she smiled - beautiful and breathtaking little blonde 6 year old.

5. Attended students' basketball game
            So I teach band and of course I enjoy working with my students. They may make me crazy, but overall I am very thankful that the majority of them really want to work hard for me. This past Thursday the staff members of our school received an email stating that our boy's basketball team made it to the final championship game. Instantly, I knew what I was going to do this weekend with my son. It was a great game and both boys teams played incredibly well/hard. Unfortunately, my school's team lost just by 1 point. I know that many of my students will be disappointed tomorrow - but honestly, they played a really great game. I was really glad that I attended :-)  

Saturday, March 10, 2012

5 Pennies - Day 235 Recovered

1. Wrote a 'Congratulation' note to another teacher
               So there is this wonderful ELA teacher at my school that is also in charge of a very special foreign language program, as well as, taking charge of the after school advanced knowledge based competitive team. Well, because of all of these special programs that she facilitates, she was recently given a special award. I'm so proud of her and honored that she works at the same school that I do. The students and faculty members are truly blessed to have her in our staff family. It was easy and simple to congratulate someone like her :-)

2. Bought hand sanitizer for worship area
          I noticed the other day in service that one of the singers has had a cold for the past 3 weeks. When she went to use the item prior and after the sharing of peace - it was totally empty. So while I was grocery shopping this weekend, I bought another bottle for the service area. Something simple to do, but helps others when in need.

3. Wrote a 'Get Well' card to church shut in
           Oh how I miss this one particular member of the church at the services. Recently I found out that she was moved out of her home and into a nursing facility due to her diminishing health. Also, she has recently become angry with religion in letting her become so dilapidated. This isn't the same person that I knew just a few months ago that always had something nice to say to my son. Instantly I knew that I needed to write her a card hoping that she was getting well and that I was thinking/praying about her.

4. Gave extra money for a project at school
            So the president of our PTSA recently had a painful fall and became in need a surgical procedure. I have taught some of her children and have spoken to her personal for a numerous amount of years - so it was worrisome when I heard of this news. Shortly after there was a school email that went out asking for staff members to contribute $1-$2 to cover for a flower arrangement. I gave more than just the bare minimum mainly because I knew how supportive this parent is of our school and to cover any other staff member that couldn't pay.

5. Bought snacks for staff day
               Yesterday at school was an early dismissal day at school. Every so often various teachers are asked to bring in something to share with others. I wanted to help this time so I went on the healthy kick and brought in veggies and dip.

5 Pennies - Day 234 Recovered

1. Bought more school supplies for Lenten Project
                When it comes to clothes shopping, I'm horrible at this task. I have a hard time in justifying the price of shoes, shirts, and pants - which in my opinion are completely unreasonable. However, I love buying school supplies and can easily spend $100 within minutes. Maybe it is the fact that I value education more than clothes, I'm not for sure. Anyway, like I've mention in previous pennies the church that I attend is holding a Lenten Project which includes collecting specific school supplies to give to various communities in Africa. Today it was my donation of erasers, crayons, and rulers. I'm happy to give towards this project :-)

2. Wrote a 'Thank You' card
             The church's youth and educational program director has recently celebrated her 14th year anniversary of working with the church. She does so much for the programming of the various groups and activities. It was easy to write her a thank you note and included a pack of flip/flop stickers. Why the stickers? She loves the summer time so that she can wear these types of shoes. Also she has a pair of shorts that are decorated with these little shoes. There is never a time goes by that I see flip/flops and don't think of her.

3. Made scones for staff
              I was itching to bake something this past weekend and found butterscotch chips. Immediately I thought of scones :-). So I made my traditional chocolate chip, cinnamon, and introduced butterscotch. I am in training for an up coming race and only taste tested a little of the chocolate chip, but then took everything in for the staff to enjoy at school :-) Soon it will be St. Patrick's Day and I am planning some Irish Cream Cookies and Irish Soda Bread.

4. Wrote a 'Thank You' note to a student
              Yes, I normally write thank you notes to the adults that I know for various things that I appreciate that they do. But this time, I just had to write something to one of my students. I have been really pushing my students in preparing them for an upcoming music festival event. I have a clarinet student that at the beginning of the year hated band because of the past school year. Anyway, now she loves it and is constantly pushing the other students in class to work harder. I'm so proud of her. Well, the other day she suggested for the entire band to perform for the school. "I want my friends to hear how hard we are working. So Ms. Kline, you need to schedule for us a band concert to showcase our work." Did I say that I was so proud of her? She is pushing me to work harder. I love this! Anyway, I just had to write her a thank you note for inspiring me - and gave her a packet of m&m's.

5. Wrote a 'Congrats' card to an administrator
               Recently the wife of the administrator just had a baby. I wrote a brief note of congratulations and included a gift card to a local store. Babies are a welcomed joy to the world.

Monday, March 5, 2012

5 Pennies - Day 233 Recovered

1. Sharpened pencils at church
            So I noticed at church this morning while my son was completing a biblical word search that all of the pencils at the children's were down to the bare nubs of the lead. After the service, I easily scooped them all up and sharpened each one so that the children would have something nice to write with at the next Sunday. Then my OCD kicked in and I spent the next 10 minutes searching other pencils within the worship area that needed 'polishing' - mainly the musician's writing tools. This may be a small thing to do, but next time someone is looking for a pencil to write with, I know that there will be plenty.

2. Wrote my son's teacher a Birthday card
              I actually didn't write it, but I assisted my son in doing so. At first he complained a little at the tedious task, but after explaining that wishing people that you know a Happy Birthday is a sign of respect for the other person. When he went to school today, he was really eager to give her his card :-)

3. Wrote my son's Godfather a Birthday card
              Again, I was only there for the assistance and encouraged my son to do the task. This card was easier to complete because he understood the premise of the activity. In addition, I sent him a text this morning wishing him a great day. Sometimes these little things make a world of difference.

4. Wrote a Thank You card to a friend
             I must admit that although I take comfort with these pennies, I am struggling with some personal issues. I have a few beautiful friends in my life that I deeply depend on - mostly as a day to day basis to help me keep grounded. One in particular have recently been my shoulder to cry on without passing any judgement. Although they can not fix my problems, it is comforting to know that I can confide in them. So I just needed to send a 'Thank You' note in expressing my gratefulness of their friendship - and included a special item inside - again, to show my appreciation.

5. Wrote an Encouraging card to a co-worker
              So a co-worker of mine has recently had a complicated surgery; actually part 1 of a three part surgery. I am so proud of her and the strength that she has shown throughout this whole health ordeal. She really is an inspiration of courage and bravery. Anyway, I just wanted to do something nice for her and her family - so I wrote her a 'hang in there' card and included a gift card to a local restaurant that would be useful for her husband. I hope that this brings her some joy in the midst of some rough days.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

5 Pennies - Day 232 Recovered

1. Picked up a dropped I-Pod at church
                   So there was a young kid (around the age of 4ish) that sat in front of me at church this morning. In the midst of the sermon he was playing some sort of game on his I-pod (?). Once proceeding to accomplish the level that he was working on, he go so excited that he accidentally dropped it onto the floor. His mother was frustrated with the scene and the kid was frustrated that it slid away from where he was sitting. I was closer to me so I easily picked it up and passed it to him. Although I have strong opinions about having kids play video games during church, I knew that it was the right thing to do to pick up the device and handed it to him.

2. Bought a book for my mother and her school
                For the past month my mother has been looking for the Dr. Seuss book - The Tooth book. Last week was Dr. Seuss' birthday, as well as, the local dentist came to her school to talk about proper good teeth care. Always trying to find a literary connection, she knew of this particular story well. In fact there is an entire series - The foot book, The nose book, etc. Unfortunately she couldn't find her copy of it, nor could find a copy of this story in any of the local stores near where we lived. I happened to be taking care of some errands this morning and noticed that the department store that I was in had a display of various Dr. Seuss stories. Low and behold was a big yellow book that contained the various 'me' stories - including 'The Tooth' book. I was so pleased to get it because I knew that it would make my mother very happy and that she would share it with the students in her school
*I also bought my son a Dr. Seuss book titled, "Yerdly the Turtle." Gotta Love the Dr. S!

3. Bought jelly beans for my step father
                Last week my son had an extensive procedure done to several teeth within his mouth. Although I was able to take off in the morning to assist at the pediatric dentist office, I had to return to my work in order to prepare the students for the various festivals. My step father quickly and easily volunteer to take care of my son until my mom (Nanny) was able to leave work. Jelly beans are just a small way to say thank you!

Anyway, my dog had 1 cinnamon which he quickly took when it hit the floor before anyone could get to it. He then proceeded to roll it around in his mouth as he yelped and ran around the house.Then when he did spit it out, he sat on it so that no one else could get to it. Needless to say that he has been drinking water non stop for the past 15 min.

4. Bought Girl Scout cookies
               So while I was leaving the grocery store, 4 of my 6th grade band students stopped me to buy some GS cookies. How could I say no - they are my girls ;-) Anyway, I bought this kind that is called 'Tag A-longs' - I am planning on taking them to work because I eat very little junk food and cookies.

5. Gave extra Jelly Beans away
               While I was in the process of paying for the cookies that I will be giving to my step father and that my girls where chanting, I asked them if I could pay them off with the amount of Jelly Beans. They giggled and laugh at first - but I was dead serious. So after I was finished paying with using legal currency, I let each of the girls get a handful of jelly beans. The container is so large that it was easy to share. I hope that they got some good pieces!

5 Pennies - Day 231 Recovered

1. Wrote 'Thank You' cards to the school's custodians
              We have had a recent change in custodial staff lately, but I must say that everything seems to be settling down. The one noticed that my trash was not collected last night so she came in early today to check my office and other classrooms within the music department. She also spent time this past weekend cleaning and polishing the floors so that everything looked great for Monday morning. The other custodian is fairly, but he works so hard and takes a lot of pride in his work. I rarely see him without a mop or fixing something constantly around the school. This morning he laid out the new rugs that the front door entrance. He then vacuumed and daily spot checks them - just to make sure that everything looks great - and it does. Needless to say that they deserved a thank you card of appreciation.

2. Bought more school supplies
                  I have decided to use my offering money throughout the lent season to purchase various items that are needed for the church project. Today it was scissors - tomorrow?

3. Bought cookies for Arts Festival
                 Tonight we have the Fine Arts festival at my school. Its a great event because it showcases the various items from the art department and music, as well as, other contents that use either art or music within their curriculum. The organizer - one of the school's art teachers - has been working really hard in putting everything together. I over heard her fretting yesterday that she didn't have enough of cookies for the event. This was a simple fix to do for her.

4. Wrote a 'Great Job' note to the Art Teacher
                I really must say that everything turned out brilliantly tonight! Everyone's hard work really paid off because the event was just so nice. I had to write the art teacher a note expressing my appreciation and that she did a great job. I also included some of her favorite chocolate candy.

5. Bought performing band students some extra treats
               So many of my band students performed at this extra Arts Festival, as well as, prepared themselves for another festival that was held this weekend - 50 students to be exactly. I was so proud of everyone that participated because they put in a lot of extra time. I was very pleased in the fact that 10 students received high enough scores that qualified them to perform at the State Level Festival. The least that I could do was to buy each of them a special candy treat to show my appreciation of all of their hard work.