Friday, June 3, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 1

So on many days it was just little acts of kindness.
Nothing revolutionary, but simple simplicity

1. Picked up trash while taking a walk with my son and dog.
                Please understand that I am not going to be preachy about the environment. If anything you will quickly learn that my OCD of cleaning is more of an issue than me saving a tree. However, if everyone would pick up at least 5 pieces of trash a while they take a walk and if they did this everyday - it would make a difference.

2. Gave a bottle of water to the mail carrier.
               I won't say his name and to be perfectly honest I actually don't know it. He is relatively new to this route and keeps fairly quiet. However, he is a person with thoughts and feelings of his own. Since it was approaching the middle of July, it was extremely hot and he deserved a cold water. Note to self, "Learn the names of various people of important occupations: waitress/waiters, mail carriers, cashiers, etc. These people are so vital to everyday living."

3. Gave a bag of candy to hair dresser.
               She has been my hair dresser for as long as I can remember - and yes, if you are wondering I am approaching my mid 30's soon. Anyway, she always gives candy to the young kids as a special reward for getting their haircut. Such a wonderful act of kindness - I just wanted to supply the stash for her.

4. Told another customer about different stores that sell cheap stickerbooks.
                This person was looking for a reward sticker book for her daughter. I overhear her need and knew of some different locations. Simple things that make a difference.

5. Created business cards for a friend.
                 So this is a sentimental penny. This particular friend was having a rough day and soon to be a rough patch in their life. I just wanted to do something nice for them to show them that I cared. During this time, this friend was starting up an online fitness business. I am not that smart in understanding this new type of technology and business, but still again just wanted to so my friend that I cared about them and hoped that things worked out.

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