Monday, June 27, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 88

1. Bought another staff member a miniature scarecrow for her collection
             I noticed in her room around her chalkboard area was a growing collection fall based things - little pumpkins and gourds, a little friendly witch, a dancing ghost. So I was thinking that what was missing from this collection was a little scarecrow to keep the others company. When I saw it at the craft store the other day, I knew who exactly it belonged to.

2. Baked cookies and apple butter bread for son's school
             Again, the whole make/bake & take idea that I previously explained in an earlier penny. His teachers do so much for his class to make things nice, they should be treated every once and awhile - as well as the kids.

3. Wrote and encouraging note to another teacher to had a rough parent meeting
               As a teacher, we all have these every once and awhile. I meeting that you felt uncomfortable about going into and felt even worse leaving from. No matter how much you told yourself prior to that things will be ok and no matter how much you told yourself afterwards that you will be ok - these types of meetings really shake your core. It's those kryptonite meetings that take longer to recover from. Part of the recover process is hearing something good from someone else. I hope that I was that good. I hope that the recovery started with my note. I hope that the teacher will feel better tomorrow.

4. Cleaned up trash from another person's snack
              So I had an after school training session today. Most of us teachers raced from our home school to the board of education to attend the meeting on time. A few of us actually have a few minutes to spear and were able to get a snack prior to coming to the meeting. This particular teacher did and felt better after eating the snack because it gave her a brief moment to just breath and enjoy. I wanted to extend that enjoyment by cleaning up her trash for her - I'm not even for sure if she noticed, but that's not the point. She was able to calmly sit for a few brief moments before going back to work mentally.

5. Shared my snack with someone else
          So I was also one of these teachers that was able to get a snack prior to attending the meeting at the board of education after school today. Knowing that there would be someone else that didn't have enough time - I bought an extra item to give away. They were very thankful for the extra thoughtfulness.

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