Thursday, June 9, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 26

1. Bought the customer behind me a free cup of coffee
                 I didn't know them, nor have seen them since - but it was just something nice to do.
                 Seeing their astonished look is pretty cool too.

Note: If you ever have the opportunity to do something nice for a random person - please do so - it is an amazing feeling.

2. Brought / got extra water for the teachers involved in a student leadership program
             The training for this program is rather extensive with the kids. Our building is also experiencing heating/cooling problems - so it was starting to turn into a sauna. The one lead teacher was starting to develop a sore throat from talking too much. I knew where extra water was, so it was just something easy and nice to do for others

3. Gave a friend some throat losengers
               Again, she was experiencing a sore throat from talking so much. I keep extra ones in my desk draw in my classroom. Again, something easy.

4. Greeted all of the students by name that attended the training
              I have to give extra appreciation to these students because the training took 3 days of their summer vacation away. The arrived tired, but they at least arrived. It was only my job to enthusiastically say good morning - to start their day on a positive note

5. Encouraged another teacher friend that she was doing a good job with the training session
               She organized the activity and was stressing out that by her own insecurities that things weren't going well enough. Sometimes in life we need to have the truth - as harsh as it may be. But other times we just need to be reassured by a friend that yes, we are doing a good job.

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