Saturday, June 25, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 80

1. Bought scented incense sticks for another staff member
                So weekly we have these small grouped staff meetings that focus on student achievement and strategies. The staff member that basically manages and runs the meetings is a really nice lady that often supplies candy and snacks to the other teachers at these meetings. I also noticed that she has a thing for incense sticks and having her office area smell nice - her office area really is the size a small bathroom, but she enjoys it. Since she does something nice for the staff, I thought that it was about time that she got something nice back.

2. Brought in homemade Apple Oatmeal cookies for the staff members that work in the front office.
             I am a horrible cook. I truly am. I burn poptarts. I blame my ADD. However, I do love to make and bake items. This is one of the few activities that I get to share with my son - he loves the directions aspect. In a way it is a really nice bonding moment, as well as, an educational experience with the aspects of following the order of directions, measuring, ingredients. But - as much as I love make & bake - I do not like to have a lot of sweets in my house. So I have expanded on the "make & bake" to incorporate the "take" - yes, I made a rhyme - I do it all the time! The take aspect is just taking the 'goodies' to Sean's school, to neighbors, to work, etc. Giving away food is very good for the heart!

3. Encouraged a female student to try a different hair style
            This student often visits me in the morning prior to the actual school day starting. She is a terrific athlete that is really involved in various year round soccer programs. Although as confident as she may be on the soccer field, she expresses her unsureness of how she looks off the field and in the classroom. So today she showed up with her hair down. She has the most amazingly beautiful auburn hair that anyone could want, but often hides it in a ponytail. When another student, who also visits me in the morning, asked: "What's with the hair?" Instantly, she scooped it up and pulled it back. Looking at me, she shrugged her shoulders - but, I knew that there was more to it. So when the first period bell rang, I held her back and encouraged her to give me the ponytail holder. After several attempts of avoiding me, she finally and reluctantly gave me the band. I then walked her over to my closet mirror and asked her why she wore her hair down. She said that she wanted to try something new. So that is what I made her do for the remainder of the day. I checked up on her at lunch time, with a big smile she said that she had received a lot of compliments. I offered her hairband back, but she just put it on her wrist and smiled.

Note - Boys & Men that act like little boys, when us women try something new with hair or clothes - think before you make a comment! It does leave lasting impressions.

4. Gave up my lunch time to help another staff member write an email about an up coming student activity
           This staff member is fairly new at taking over a particular committee at school. She is doing a wonderful job though! She just needed someone to listen and read through her information. I was the guide.

5. Threw away snack trash for another staff member
           I was on my way to the cafeteria anyway, so I took her stuff along too - to save her a trip. Easy.

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