Thursday, June 9, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 28

1. Moved shopping carts out of the way from others that were driving
              If I can stress anything about this journey it is - please don't be lazy. Please don't leave the random shopping carts laying about. Either wheel them to the correct facility or back to the store. When you leave them about, they get loose and start driving by themselves. It really does create a safety hazard. The other thing that I can stress about this is that if you see an abandoned shopping cart - just simply put it where it belongs - no not by a curb, but in the correct facility

2. Helped an older gentleman unpack his grocery cart
             Again, help the elderly - you too will be there one day!

3. Bought extra food for homeless food shelter
            You can get fantastic deals at supermarkets. Just donate an extra item or 2 to you local food shelter. If everyone did this, it would make such a tremendous difference.

4. Bought teacher/friend a going away present
            So today was the last day that I was with my teacher friend whom I talked about earlier about interviewing and receiving a promotion in her job. She will never know how much she has influenced my personal and professional life the past few years of working together. I just had to say thank you and good luck.

5. Let another person go in front of me in grocery line
            Just something simple that will easily help another person out. If you have the opportunity to wait an extra 5 minutes - do it and give this inexpensive gift to someone else.

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