Sunday, June 19, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 62

1. Bought another teacher a cup that had her favorite football team decorated on it & filled it with candy
              I have a lot of respect for this particular teacher because of how she runs her classroom. She is extremely tough on the students, but completely fair. Not only does she teach them about science, but she teaches them about life skills such as deadlines, organization, and hard work. At first many of the students and their parents are intimidated by her - as they should be - she is an extremely hard teacher. But as hard as she is, she prepares them completely for high school and life. However, recently she has received many parent complaints and has had to constantly defend herself and her program. I just wanted to give her something to let her know that someone thought that she was doing a good job - great even!

2. Gave the secretary her favorite can because she was able to fix a problem that she was having for the past several days.
                Even though I really didn't understand the problem or how she fixed it, I was happy to see that she was able to solve it. She needed the extra congratulations!

3. Wrote a thank you note to another teacher for greeting the students every morning.
              There is a really great teacher that stands in the middle lobby area of our building every morning to greet and wish every student a good day. For some of these students, this smile is the best thing that they will see the entire day. The wonderful about this teacher is that he is rarely absent - so many of the students look forward to seeing him every morning. Another great thing about this teacher is that he does a similar activity at the end of everyday to wish every student a good afternoon / evening. Just these little things make all the difference. I just had to say thank you.

4. Gave my parent meeting paperwork to another parent who was late in attending the evening meeting.
            I basically knew what the meeting was going to be about, so I really didn't need the visual agenda. I try my best in not being late to meetings because I know that what is going to be discussed is really important, but sometimes it is unavoidable no matter how hard we try. So when this parent entered late, completely flustered about what happen at her home, and there wasn't any papers for her to follow along with - well, you could tell by her body language that she was distraught. By giving her my papers, it was just a simple way to show her that I cared.

5. Used a sanitize wipe to clean the self service area at the grocery store.
            Any touch screen machines can never be too clean and rarely is cleaned. There are commercials now about using the sanitize wipes for the shopping cart handles, but if you have the opportunity to also wipe the touch screen machines - please do so - speaking like a true OCD person.

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