Monday, August 22, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 170

1. Wiped down the handicapped carts at the grocery store
             I normally wipe down the handles of the regular carts, but today I wanted to change it up some. Everyone deserves cleanliness - especially during this winter/sick season.

2. Moved boxes of left over Holiday Decorations
             So at the grocery store this morning were bits and pieces of holiday decorations left on the one shelf, while 10 steps away was the remaining amount on a display table. I just moved the items over so that everything would be all together. Easy.

3. Threw away discarded coffee cups
            As I was picking out my groceries, I began to notice that every so often I would find a small coffee cup on one of the shelves. So I just began to gather them up and throw them away - sort of like a weird scavenger hunt for cleanliness. Can you tell that my OCD has picked up lately?

4. Cleaned up other people's trash at party
             So I was at a church post holiday party and easily picked up used plates & such for other people. Honestly, I was bored with the party & wanted to do something useful. I actually have a hard time just sitting still and talking to others, most of the time I feel like I need to be in movement and working. Besides, if it helps someone else - is this so wrong?

5. Sent a text thanking another person for finding son's favorite toy
             So my son is in a batman phase and has this car/plane type of thing. He accidentally left it at the party and someone else found it. They saw my son play with it, so they called me to see if it was our. I told them that it was and that I would come back for it since I live near the party. Later on that night, I wanted to say an extra thank you -just a simple text to show my appreciation.

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