Sunday, August 7, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 148

1. Picked up trash on walk with dog
                   Just a regular thing with me and my dog now.

2. Used my birthday money to buy toys for needy children
                  So my father sent me some money last week in the mail for my birthday - sort of reminded me of being a kid and awaiting the mailman to find the birthday greetings in a card. Anyway, I really don't having anything thing that is really pressing in my life right now that I need or would like to have. So I decided that the best thing to do is to spend this extra on some toys for various needy kids within the community of my school. I believe that this was a better gift anyway.

3. Helped another child pick up some accidentally dropped food
            So my son was invited to a special Advent party this morning at a friend's church. Every year they throw this shin-dig called a "Star" party and focus on how the star led Mary & Joseph to their unique home for Jesus' birth. They have all sorts of star related food and games, but the best part is the old school felt story board of the the nativity story - at least for me. Anyway, there was this little girl who tripped over her shoes while trying to throw away the reminiscent of her 'Star' pancake and these chunks of crumbs plus a river of syrup went everywhere. I just grabbed some portable wet wipes - What, you don't carry these? -  and handed them to her to clean herself while I scooped up the mess on the floor. Another person came in with a mop. Within 3 minutes of the accident everything was back to normal. Go team!

4. Cleaned up and threw away other people's trash
             So as the kids were listening to the felt storyboard of the nativity scene - I decided to make myself useful and help clean up other people's trash from the various tables. Easy to do.

5. Wrote a 'Thank You' card to the organizers of this Holiday Party
                 It was really nice to be invited to this party because neither I nor my son are members of this congregation - but they still treated us with so much hospitality and kindness. A simple thank you was the least that I could provide.

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