Monday, August 1, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 136

1. Made and brought in healthy snacks for other workout members
                With the approaching Thanksgiving holiday, I wanted to make sure that they had some alternative options prior to the break - knowing that this is a holiday that is known for eating. Also, to share with them that I am proud of how hard they have been working. It's always much easier to work out with a group of friends, then by yourself - or even in a group of strangers.

2. Made and brought in special treats for the front office staff
          They were apple cinnamon cupcakes with a special cream frosting and festive holiday decorations. I say were very loosely because although I delivered them around 8 am, by noon they were gone. I think that they liked them - yes?

3. Sent an ecard to a friend
              Their 'boy friend' - not really for sure what to call this other person than his name - was going in for a minor surgery. Still, minor or major- a surgery is still something to have some concern about. I don't know who has more anxiety about the who issue on surgeries - the one who is getting the surgery or the one that has to wait for the person in the surgery room. Anyway, just wanted to send a simple note to my friend letter her know that I was thinking about them.

4. Helped a custodian sweep the floor
              Actually, this particular custodian was helping another parent & student with a locker issue. So with the dry floor mop in sight I thought that it would be helpful to just finish the job for her - since she had to delay her work to accommodate someone else's needs. It was easy and sort of fun to do - remember anything with cleaning for an OCD person will be construed as fun.

5. Bagged groceries for another person at grocery store
               Yes, this time I asked before helping. I did learn my lesson from a much earlier penny.

6. Cleaned up gym after meeting
           So there was a sports meeting in the school's small gym over the weekend in regards to winter sports that will be offered by local teams. Football is big in our area during the fall, but now as the days are getting shorter and the the chilliness is here to stay - it is basketball season. So there were chairs still out and poster/pamphlets still strewed about in the small gym. I knew that the gym teachers would have been annoyed with this sight - so to help them out, it was just a simple clean up that took all of 5 minutes.

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