Friday, August 5, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 144

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

1. Gave another teacher a birthday card
           So I get to share my birthday with another teacher in my school. A few years back, the principal's birthday was at the end of the month too - so it was like our own special club. While I was growing up, I shared my birthday with my best friend, as well as another band student - but he was 2 years older than us. Again, we had our own special club - and would often share a birthday party because we all had similar friends. I can't remember a time that I haven't shared my birthday with someone. I like it this way.

2. Complimented on how another teacher looked
           She had on a really nice outfit on and just looked so beautiful! Head to toe!

3. Shared my birthday cookie cake with others
              So another teacher friend got me this really big chocolate chip birthday cookie cake type of thing. I am not one for sweets & desserts - so with this great big cake/cookie thing - I just had to share it with other teachers. Of course I shared it with some of my students too - they all loved it! It was nice to share this & my birthday with others.

4. Gave another student a bottle of water
            This particular student has been having some behavioral issues within school, so the group of workout teachers decided to let him work out with us today. The funny thing is that he could barely keep up with us even though he is in fairly decent shape. However, he didn't have any water to drink. When you workout - you must hydrate - this is a must. So I ran and got him something. Overall the activity was like a bonding moment.

5. Bought a stranger a gourmet cookie
            So even though I am not one for sweets & desserts, I admit that I do have a passion for flavored coffee. So I decided on my way to work this morning that after my after school workout I would treat myself to a special flavored coffee. I looked forward to this all day - aaaahhh flavored coffee :-) ! Then when it came time at the coffee store and I stood in line deciding what I wanted, I noticed a little gingergal cookie. I bought the coffee and the gingergal and began to look around. I noticed a woman a few steps from me just reading from her book. So I walked over and gave her the gingergal and said "Happy Birthday!" I knew that it wasn't her birthday and by the expression on her face she thought that I was completely nuts - well not completely :-) I don't eat sweets, but like I said throughout the day - it was nice to share this special day with someone else!

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