Monday, August 15, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 162

1. Wrote a Happy Holidays card to someone from church
               So I recently learned that there is a particular member from church that has had Terminal Cancer for the past couple of months, but she really is nearing the end of her life in the matter of a few weeks. I really hope that she and her family gets to celebrate one last Holiday together, but I know that she is very sad about everything that is going on. So I just wanted to send her a Holiday card to cheer her and her family up. Sort of like a bittersweet card.

2. Gave my shopping cart to another customer
              So I was at the grocery store today and noticed that there was another lady that was fighting to try to unlock two shopping carts from each other. It was like these carts were magnetized together and wouldn't let go. The funny part of the scene was that right beside the woman was another row of perfectly accessible shopping carts. She was like on a mission to separate these guys, even if it completely exhausted her from doing any further grocery shopping. So when I had my hand on the cart and started to pull away, I heard her mutter some colorful words to the shopping carts. Again, I believe that they have their own minds and we really are their puppets. By the look of her heavy breathing and disheveled hair - I just smiled and gave her my cart instead. It was a good show.

3. Bought extra snacks for son's Holiday party
               So his school is hosting their annual Holiday party and he is desperately looking forward to it. Last year we didn't attend because it was held on a day that we were pummeled by 2 feet of snow - so this party must make up for last year too. Anyway, I wanted to contribute something because his teachers are just so wonderful. I bought some extra art crafts that the teacher requested. Enjoy!

4. Helped move chairs at a kids party
                So my nephew had his 6th birthday party today. He is an interesting little guy and seems to be getting along better since he has gone to school - really starting to mature some for a young age. Anyway, there were some chairs already at the diner table, but not enough to accommodate all of the adults and kids that were present for the event. So I just started to shuffle things around until I had enough of what I needed to help everyone else. Easy to do.

5. Threw different amounts of pocket change on different door steps
             So as I walked my dog this morning, I stopped off early to buy a cup of coffee because it was really cold outside. Wow, can't believe how cold December is getting - so quickly too! Anyway, I really didn't want to keep the pocket change - the metal kept making my hands colder when I would put them in their pockets. So I decided that this was a perfect time to throw different amounts of the pocket change onto the random doors steps of houses. Consider it the elf's early holiday present.

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