Tuesday, August 2, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 138

*Personally, I haven't been in a pleasant mood lately. Yesterday my grandfather passed away after a 6th month fight with terminal Cancer. In a way I'm glad that things are finally over for him, but in another way I miss him a lot. I can't hear the theme song to "The Golden Girls" without tearing up - it was the show that we watched together while drinking Pepsi Ice Tea. I miss him.

1. Gave another teacher a locational nickname
             So one of the special reading teachers at my school has a shelf by her computer that is full of little nicknacks from various places. I noticed this shelf about a week before I went on my business trip for the National Middle School Association Conference in Baltimore. At the hotel's gift shop I looked around for various items; a few nicknacks for my family, a few nicknames for my friends, and something for this particular staff member. So I found a little crab that has the location of Baltimore and The Inner Harbor. Just something for her to add to her collection.

2. Wrote a "Thank You" note to another teacher for putting together Holiday gifts for needy families
             This particular teacher is an amazing person! She has such a heart of gold, but often a mouth of a sailor. She is so enjoyable to be around and one of the first people that I met at my school when I long-term subbed before getting my current position. She has such a way with the kids - all types - and all types of kids love her too. Such a treasure to have at our school! Oh, and she is such a beautiful pregnant woman. She often says that she is a 'Classy Broad'! Great sense of humor & honesty. I could seriously go on and on about my admiration of this particular teacher - but, I'll stop. Anyway, she always sponsors several families within the school community during this holiday season in providing them with clothes, food, and toys. The truly amazing thing is that it is not threw her church or an outside community group - it is honestly threw her heart. A person like this is rare and just so beautiful. Ok, I'll stop. Anyway, I am trying to put some extra money aside after the Thanksgiving Holiday to donate to her. But for now, I just wanted to write her a Thank You card.

3. Cleaned up the Auditorium
         So we had a special movie presentation in the auditorium towards the end of the school day. Although the kids thoroughly enjoyed it, the auditorium needed a little touch up - especially with moving the chairs back to the right location and picking up the odds/ends of trash. It was easy to help the custodians out on this one.

4. Picked up trash from another teacher's room
          So as the custodians were putting the finishing touches on the auditorium, I popped over to my neighbor's art room to throw some odds/ends away. I noticed that her trash wasn't collected yet. Knowing that the custodians were helping me with the auditorium - I decided to help them by taken out her trash. That way we could get both jobs done quicker and leave for our break sooner.

5. Helped another customer at grocery store
              I stopped by the grocery store on my way home from work tonight - just to buy some extra things for the Thanksgiving meal. So while I was contemplating within the baking isle another customer was clearly getting frustrated in not finding what he needed. Basically he was looking for this particular turkey baster that the store did not carry. However, I did give him a few other ideas in what to use and other grocery store names to buy. I felt bad that I couldn't completely help him, but at least I made the attempt and gave him suggestions.

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