Saturday, August 6, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 147

So today must have been one of those days that I just wanted to write 'love notes' to others!

1. Wrote a 'Thank You' note to another teacher for providing an extra field trip
               Sometimes learning outside of the classroom is just as important as learning within. This field trip was organized specially for a group of students that are certificate/job related bound. These students are amazing kids and the Holiday Baskets that they made were so wonderful. They are using this field trip to earn money to help sponsor a holiday party for their class. The particular teacher that works solely with these students is an amazing person because she really makes sure that these kids are learning the life skills that they need, while being extremely warm & caring towards them everyday. She has such a hard teaching schedule, but handles it with such an amazing amount of grace.

2. Wrote a 'Thank You' note to another teacher for helping with a field trip at the last minute
                The assistant to this particular wasn't planning on going because she wasn't able to get someone to cover all of her teaching assignments. However, she was able to work things out at the last moment because she really wanted to be with these students and see them do well. She is such a great person that treats everyone with the loving discipline that any grandmother would.

3. Wrote a 'Thank You' note to a parent
                This particular parent let me borrow a special music game - Michael Jackson dancing Wii game - so that I could use this with my students as a special activity. My music students are so funny sometimes. As much as they say that they don't like to dance and that they think MJ's music is weird - when I said that this was our special surprise activity for the day, they went completely crazy! My music students have been working very hard lately on all of their assignments - they deserved a special reward. It was great to dance with my students - even better that I could 'out-move' them.

4. Wrote a 'Congrats' note to a student who won an art award
             I'm so proud of this student and have really started to get to know them this year. They are truly a gifted artist, well beyond the age of 13. Their favorite thing to do right now is either landscapes or portraits - but both she does beautifully. Anyway, she recently won an award from the state and I am so proud of her. Of course with the note I included a special candy treat. She also has a heart of gold too!

5. Wrote a text to another teacher wishing them safe travel
               So a teacher in a nearby room leaves this weekend for a trip to Las Vegas - both business & pleasure related. She has been looking forward to this trip for awhile and has been anxious about this all week. I want her to have both a safe and enjoyable time away. I will miss her and await for her return - full of stories none the less!

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