Thursday, August 4, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 143

1. Took school newspapers in
             Since the school was closed the past couple of days for the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend, there has been a pile up of newspapers. I just simply picked up the different piles of deliveries and brought them into the school library for the other teachers to use them as needed.

2. Made and brought in potato candy for another teacher
             The tech ed teacher told me that she really loves potato candy, but can't find anyone in this area that makes it the traditional way. So as I was cleaning up after my family's thanksgiving meal, I put some mashed potatoes aside. My great aunt taught my mother this really great recipe for potato candy, who then has taught it to me. Again, I can't make a ham - but my potato candy is traditionally great! This particular teacher has been such a great help and really nice towards me lately.

3. Gave a teacher a coupon for a free oil change
              Actually, it was for her collection of gifts that she has been putting together for local area needy families. This is the same teacher that I have mentioned before in an earlier penny - the one that I think is so great because she is doing this solely from her heart. So anyway, when I bought the toys for the car garage - the people gave me a coupon for a free oil change. Knowing that I can afford it myself, I figured that a family in need could use it more. Easy to do & easy to give.

4. Bought another teacher a candy bar to brighten her day
           She seemed to be having a rough day, so I just wanted to do something nice for her - to show her that I cared. Chocolate has an amazing healing power that is more powerful than just to Harry Potter & the dementors. Ok, I'll take my geek hat off now! :-)

5. Helped pass out and gather materials for a school meeting
             We had a presenter at school today during a staff meeting and as they were talking, I noticed that they were starting to stumble over their words as they were passing out materials - like trying to multi-task in doing both activities. Again, just something easy to do to help another person.

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