Friday, August 12, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 157

1. Brought in food for the school's canned food drive
                  So the guidance department were missing a couple of items for the different food baskets/boxes for the various community's families. It was easy to get them & bring them in - in order to complete each package.

2. Rehung holiday decorations that fell down
            So on Friday afternoon, I saw the one gym teacher hanging some spirited decorations in her office. However, when I was using the shower in her office after working out this morning, I noticed that some of them have fallen down. It was easy to rehang these few items for this other teacher.

3. Brought laminated materials to another teacher
            So I was starting to copy my concert program for tomorrow night in the teacher's workroom and noticed that there was some lamination done. As I further looked at the items, I knew that they belonged to the art teacher who has their room beside mine. So I decided that as I walked back to my room, I would drop these items off to her - save her a trip and all. Easy.

4. Listen to additional ensembles
             So tonight some of my students performed at the local Valley Mall in town. They did such a great job and I was really proud of them. I had the opportunity to leave after my students were finished, but I stayed to hear the other ensembles from the other music teachers within my school. Overall, I was really pleased with how everything sounded. It was a good showcase from my school's music department. The students & their families were very happy. Good show!

5. Helped cleaned up after concert
            Again, I had the opportunity to leave right after the last performance from my school's music department - trust me, I really wanted to - I was so exhausted! However, it was late for everyone including the mall staff that were mainly in charge of putting all of the chairs, stands, & sound equipment away. I figured that if I helped them too - then everyone would get done and go home quicker. Mission Accomplished :-)

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