Thursday, August 18, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 165

1. Made homemade candy for step father's work
                He wanted to treat the other crew members that he works with to an early Holiday candy surprise. So I was already making some homemade chocolate candies (Buckeyes) & Potato candy. I made some extra for him to share with his staff. They have been working overtime to get the new office building done before the middle of January.

2. Sent a friend birthday cards for their kids
                 This friend has been one of my oldest since middle school through college - such a great person. Well, she has two kids that were born a few days and two years about - but still around the holiday season - and no, she didn't purposely plan it this way. Anyway, I just wanted to sent them something to celebrate. The kids are so wonderful and she is doing such a great job with them.

3. Helped another person carry in shirts
             So we have this wonderful parent that does such a great job in stitching up clothing with the school's insignia on the front. Anyway, she just finished a batch of shirts that she has been working on for various staff members for the past few weeks. As she was trying to fight to get through the front door, she was also trying not to spill/drop the box of shirts - bless her heart. It was like she was in a bear hug but the shirts had enough and wanted to pull away. So I went over and simply lifted the box out of her arms for her so she could get in from the cold. Since I had the box in my hands I walked it to the main office for her as she signed in. Simple

4. Wrote a "Thank You" note to the custodian for getting me heat
             So in the winter time, the class that I teach band in is also the stage/auditorium - where I have no heat. I was so freezing cold that I had my winter jacket & gloves on while I was teaching because I just couldn't take it any more. This particular custodian saw me & took pity on my soul - she immediately called her supervisor to come out to the school to fix the air. Saying thank you was the least that I could do to show my appreciation!

5. Cleaned up spilled chips in the hallway
             Accidentally someone dropped their open bag of Doritos in the hallway, where the another person must have accidentally stepped on them. So just to help the custodians from having the mess continue - I simply grabbed the hand broom & cleaned it up. It was simple to do.

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