Thursday, August 4, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 142

1. Hung up a "For Sale" sign
           So I was walking my dog before church this morning, I noticed that the nearby house's "For Sale" sign unhook itself and now was laying on the ground. This house has been on sale for the past 9 months and by this action, I believe that even it thinks that it is never going to get sold. Although my hands were freezing cold and my dog desperately wanted to continue its walk - I just had to hang up the sign. To give the house, the original owners, and the Realtor some hope.

Oh, sometimes I give inanimate objects personal feelings. Maybe it is from watching too many kid movies with my son?

2. Prepared a Salvation Army Stocking for church
           So every year the church asks its members to participate in a service project that will then benefit the local area children during this Holiday Season. Basically, we are given these large net stockings, an age group, and a label that says if it is going to go to a boy or a girl. We are then asked to fill it full toys and nicknacks for the child in need and then given a date to return them by. The stockings that are for the babies and toddlers are always the first to go. I always request stockings that are for the "10-12 boy" group - I like the challenge! I don't know if what I get is fun, but at least I am practicing for when my son turns this age - which seems very far away - he's 4.

3. Gave special school snacks to another church member
             So there is a woman at church who works in a nearby school to me and started to talk about how crazy her teaching schedule has become lately. I can totally relate because December is a hectic Winter/Holiday Concert season for me. So I bought her some 'on the go snacks' that she can stash in the closet in her room and use them as needed. Reminds me, I need to buy some for myself. And yes for those that are wondering, they are high in protein/fiber and rather healthy snacks.

4. Gave some free samples of meds to other parents
              So I needed to take my son for a re-check today at the pediatrician. Yes, I have a wonderful pediatrician who even has a few working hours on Saturday and Sunday. So as we were waiting in the office, I looked over the free medicine basket. There was all sorts of things there, but the best 'prize' was the cough syrup samples. There were 3 other parents waiting with their kids - did I tell you that I love my pediatrician for his weekend hours!- so I asked them which flavor that they wanted for their kids. At first they didn't understand what I was talking about until I showed them the basket. This free medicine basket is normally stocked every time I take my son, but is seldom utilized by other parents.

5. Helped another customer load water into his grocery cart
            So after taking my son to the doctors for his re-check and learning that he needs a little more medicine to hopefully clear up this ongoing case of STREP, we stopped by the grocery store to fill the medicine & pick up some yogurt. As we were headed towards the line, I noticed this man trying to load a case of water into his cart. Ok, it was more like he was wrestling with the case of water as his cart decided to start rolling away from the scene. I discussed in a previous penny that I believe that carts secretly have brains - this only adds to my suspicion. So I simply held onto his cart as he finished his wrestling match with the water. It may have been an 'illegal move to tag team', but I just couldn't keep watching this guy as he got more and more frustrated. :-)

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