Monday, August 1, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 137

1. Bought another teacher a small breakfast treat
               So we have a part time language teacher at my school - so I really don't have the opportunity to know her that well. However, I have noticed that she does like to drink this special coffee every morning - which I can not find at any regular grocery store. So instead, I wanted to treat her with something nice to go along with her breakfast coffee. What says someone thinks your special other than a special breakfast Biscotti bar?

2. Moved neighbor's trash cans
            So I was walking my dog before school this morning and noticed that my neighbor's trash cans were emptied, but were knocked over and blocking the majority of sidewalk. I live in a fairly nice area where the neighborhood kids use the sidewalks to walk to the 2 nearby schools. So to help them and my neighbor I simply picked up the trash cans and moved them back closer to their house.

3. Wrote a "Thank You" note to particular staff members
            These particular staff members have been helping me resolve bus behavior problems - in both preventing and reacting to them. They have done a fabulous job in supporting the positive behavior program within and now outside of the school. It makes my job much easier when other people help like this.

4. Brought in a special breakfast for other staff members
               So there was a special behavioral meeting that several the school's staff members were apart of. Sometimes the only way to get through a meeting and to make it less painful is food. And a morning meeting calls for breakfast - good bagels, good donuts, good breakfast cake - basically 'good' is the keyword.

5. Picked up hangers and clothes at store
              They were accidentally knocked on the floor and it was about 1 sec of my time to pick them back up to help the store floor clerk - easy penny.

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