Sunday, August 7, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 149

1. Cleaned and straighten up doctor's waiting room
              Just a little house work at the pediatrician to help the other staff members there. They already do such a wonderful job with the patients, I can easily help with the small stuff.

2. Picked up trash in front of pharmacy
          So I parked my Jeep in a spot off to the side of the local pharmacy and as I was walking in, I noticed various pieces of trash in the parking lot. So I just started to pick up the various piece, gathered them together, and placed them in the trash can outside of the entrance doors. Yes, I know that it may seem like a small thing - but keeping things clean does go a long way.

3. Picked up items that were accidentally knocked off the store shelf
             So in the above penny I talked about how important it is to have a clean outside, but the inside is just as important. Things belong on a shelf and not on the floor. If you see something that has fallen, just take a few seconds to pick it back up. Again, I know that it may seem like a small thing - but keeping things clean does go a long way.

4. Helped another customer unpack their cart at the register
             So prior to helping them, I asked them first if they would like some help. At first they said no, but then they wrestled with a big bag of dog food as I automatically held their cart. Then I soon started to hand them things from their cart for them to place on the grocery belt and soon started to place their items in line. Her cart got unpacked much quicker than expected and was able to move along with her day more efficiently - which was nice to give her some extra moments.

5. Got music ready for another church singer
             So at church this morning, I noticed that a regular singer was running a little late. So to help her out, I simply went and prepared her music so that when she was able to arrive, everything was ready for her to jump in and sing. Simple to do.

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