Monday, August 15, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 161

1. Brought in homemade cookies for secretaries
              They have been so great in helping me with parents calling in about up coming concerts. Note to self - at the end of the year, ask for a phone for music office so that parents can directly call me there. This will relieve the secretaries of these extra conversations.

2. Brought in homemade cookies for the custodians
               We had our very heavy snowfall late last night into this morning - enough to have a delayed schedule :-) The only tough part about this beautiful nature is that the custodians have to work twice as hard in preparing the school for opening. They do such a fabulous job everyday at our school, but getting the walk ways & parking lot ready is an extra process. I just wanted to treat them to something nice since that had to work extra for the benefit of others.

3. Gave up my lunch/plan time to help a student with an extra assignment
             This particular student was working on an extra credit assignment for her science class that focused on how the frequency of sound moves through the air. She really emphasized in how there is the proven myth that enough of vibrations at a certain frequency can break glass. So we huddled around my computer in my classroom to look for information for this project. It was really interesting to read all of the information on this topic.

4. Held the door open for other staff members
                They were helping in carrying out the baskets of food for the various needy families in the community. Easy to do.

5. Left some cars pull ahead of me
               They were coming out of a drive thru and into a busy street full of traffic. I was approaching a red light, so I just motioned for about 3 of the waiting cars to go ahead of me. I was in no hurry and there wasn't that many people behind me. Again, easy to do.

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