Sunday, July 31, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 134

1. Mailed a "Sympathy" card to a friend who recently lost a love one
             Actually it is a teacher friend from school whose mother suddenly passed on while they were on a vacation in another country. The whole story is completely sad and still makes me water up just thinking about it. She loved her mother very much and it pains me to think that she will be celebrating the holidays this year without her. I do like saying 'passed on' or 'moved on' better than anything else because I heard this saying American Indian saying once, "You are given a mortal body on Earth, but your soul continues to move along." If something dies, that means it is the end - but if something moves along, then it continues.

2. Bought flowers for everyone at 'girls lunch'
           So I met up with a couple of female friends at a local restaurant for lunch today. We do this annual thing in November to celebrate 3 our of 5 of us birthday's. One friend's birthday is at the end of October, then mine and another friend is in November. However, this year it was more important to meet to help comfort the friend from the above penny. Well, at least distract her - which I am good at. Anyway, I wanted to get flowers for the 'birthday girl' and then flowers for this sympathy friend, which then left one person left without flowers - So I just bought flowers for everyone. So that everyone could feel cared for. It was nice.

3. Gave an extra flower to the waitress at lunch
              She did a fantastic job and was extremely nice to our table at lunch. I just wanted to show my appreciation for all of her wonderful service.

4. Put extra flowers on windshields at cars outside of clothing store
             So I had a couple of extra flowers left over from lunch and felt like giving them away. So I just picked 3 random cars outside of a clothing store that I was going into. I laid them on their windshield. I wish that I could have hung around to see what the owners did - but it didn't matter. I hope that they liked them though. FYI- they were pink roses.

5. Found a bag of pennies on a walk with my dog and gave them away
           So there is a little 'flea market' store near my house that I pass every time that I walk my dog in my neighborhood. Sometimes they have some items sitting outside of their shop for the foot traffic to look at and possibly buy. Today there was this cute little foot bench type of furniture thing that had a drawer at the bottom of it. It was a really interesting item to look at. So I paused and started to look at this piece - well, more like inspecting even though I had no money on me. I pulled on the drawer and noticed that there was a bag of pennies in it. Holy Cow! It was like I was 5 again and just found Davy Jones' locker! Ok, so the amount probably equated to all of $2.76 - but still, a penny is special. It's one more opportunity in life. I must admit that I took 5 pennies from that bag and put the rest back in the drawer and closed it up. As I continued on finishing the walk with my dog, I put a penny on the the porch of 5 other random houses.

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