Tuesday, July 12, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 123

1. Wrote a "Thank You" note to another teacher for helping me with another student behavioral issue
             I normally do well with handling various kinds of student behaviors, but this particular student - well he had all my buttons found and continuously pushed. I needed different tools in my toolbox in order to keep working with this student. I'm an incredibly stubborn person and I don't like to ask for help - I totally blame my Irish background for these traits. However, I knew that I was losing the battle with this student and slowly but surely he knew this fact too. So I asked another teacher whom seemed to have a pretty good relationship with this particular student for advice. She gave me some really good ideas, which I tried out, and has seemed to work better - at least so far.

2. Wrote a "Thank You" note to another teacher for providing a special field trip opportunity with her students
            This art teacher really tries to make her classes as interesting, creative, and hands on as possible. She drives me crazy in the fact that her plans are relatively open and barely structured - but I am impressed in the fact that she makes things work her own way. She is brave and inventive and extremely open-minded when it comes to problem solving - it's the artist in her. If I was ever stranded on an island - I hope that she would be there because she would know how to escape - well, after she made some jewelry out of shells, a sandcastle big enough to live in, and painted the sunrise. Anyway, she collaborated with another academic teacher and decided that her students needed to take a field trip along with the other teacher's students. I really like it when teachers plan like this because it gives our country based students more opportunities to learn outside of the classroom.

3. Gave the behavioral teacher a brownie to cheer her up
                  She was having a rough day because she had so many behavior problem kids that she was in charge of - a 'full house' as we call it. Anyway, with that many behavior issues together, they basically spent the morning feeding off of one another - just to try to make her crazy. Just one look from her when I was getting some lunch time coffee - I knew, she was stressed. Chocolate has its benefit of reducing stress because it releases a happy hormone. It was obvious - she needed a brownie. I was glad that I could help.

4. Gave guidance counselors food for their food bank project
          So as the holidays approach, we have many families within our school that are in need of food for day to day dinners. The guidance counselors annually do a marvelous job in gathering food by holding basket competitions between the different grade levels. This year, I guess from the rough economy, the food drives haven't gone that well. So in order to help them finish 35 baskets - I bought and donated several cans and bags of food. Its for a good cause because it eventually helps my students.

5. Gave extra brownies to other students at lunch time
             I just wanted to treat those students that stop by and help me get my classrooms ready every morning. They deserve more than just me daily saying thank you.

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