Wednesday, July 6, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 112

1. Brought in Halloween cookies for a pumpkin carving party after school
              If there are any kids reading this - yes, we too adults like to carve pumpkins too. There were about 20 of us. I just wanted to add something nice to the table - other than pumpkins.

2. Gave another teacher a scented harvest candle
             This particular teacher is one of my favorite math teachers. She is so down to Earth and I really like her 'dorky' little ways as she calls them. She is completely honest to the students, but is also very supportive whenever they need her. She works incredibly hard because she teaches several different sections of math, different grade levels, and different learning levels. Secretly, I hope to be like her when I grow up. Anyway, I noticed that in her room she has a bunch of different scented candles. We are not allowed to light these candles or even have 'warmers' in our classroom - but still she has a whole collection of them on her desk. I just wanted to add a harvest spice candle to the collection.

3. Helped another person carry in materials for a staff presentation
              This was an easy one. Why I work out - ha!

4. Took trash out from the pumpkin carving area.
              The custodians cleaned this room prior to us using it for our pumpkin carving party. I didn't want these tid bits to rot in the trash can of the art teacher's room all weekend. So I simply gathered the bags up and took them outside to the dumpster.
By the way - my pumpkin had all of these swirls carved into it. My mother never let up use stencils or 'kits' while we were growing up. We had to use our imaginations and creative skills. She was much better at this than I - but today, my pumpkin did turn out nice.

5. Helped custodians move his materials around the school
               One of my favorite custodians was stuck at school by himself moving his materials around - his broom, mop, cart, bags of trash. It was easy to move his cart to where ever he was going next, while he took care of his trash. Again, the very least I could do in order to help him out.

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