Sunday, July 10, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 118

1. Picked up used towel and placed in hamper in the workout room
            So the hotel that I will be staying at for the next two days is really nice. The workout room is great and fairly busy with the people that are staying here too. Everyone should take care of their own belongings, but sometimes that doesn't happen too well. Thus, there was a couple used towels that were left on the counter - so I simply took a clean towel, threw it on top of the used towels, gathered everything up without touching the dirty ones, and then put everything into the hamper. And yes, I used the sterilize wipes on my hands after wards.

2. Let roomate borrow extra work out clothes
             I always pack an extra of everything, especially clothing because you never know when you are going to need them. I was glad that she wanted to visit the workout room with me. Working out is great alone, but it is even better when you have a partner. We basically just walked on the treadmills and talked. Again, trying to learn as much as I can from this fascinating person.

3. Helped presenter that was having computer issues
             This particular presenter didn't have a facilitator and was presenting first thing this morning - so the room was a bit out of sorts and the computer/LCD projector weren't communicating just yet. So I told her to continue on with beginning her presentation and I would get the technology things situated - thank goodness that I have my Master's in Technology and I have had to deal with these minor hiccups before. She seemed very uneasy, but once I got things situated for her, she seemed more at ease.

4. Helped a band student from another school move his instrument around
          So yes I am a band teacher and yes I have had to move more than my share of instruments around from gig to gig. Several times I have moved percussion instruments from spot to spot. So when I saw that this particular student was moving a heavy concert bass drum around, which he could have easily fit into, I knew that I could easily help him. During our walk, I also talked to him about what music that he was playing. Really friendly kid!

5. Gave my bottle of water to someone else who was thirsty
           So we were at the Keynote speech at the end of the first day of the conference. I overheard the woman near me talking about how thirsty she was, but all of the bottle waters in the back of the auditorium were taken. I earlier grabbed an extra bottle because you never know when an emergency would arise. So I simply gave it to her. I wasn't thirsty and it wasn't used. She was appreciative, said thank you, and smiled. Something simple, but it meant a lot.

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