Friday, July 29, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 129

1.Gave another teacher a gift card to a clothing store
            As much as I approve on giving gift cards to other people as presents - I am horrible in receiving them for myself. Actually, I'm pretty good at receiving them - it's the spending them that I have difficulty with. Anyway, for whatever reason I have been hanging on a giftcard to a clothing store that I use to shop at for the past year or so. There is a wonderful teacher in my building that absolutely loves this store and just received another grandchild. Personally, she is one of the nicest people that I have ever met and I have never seen her in a bad mood in the past years of knowing her - literally. So it was about time just to treat her to something nice for no apparent reason.

2. Brought in food for school's food drive
           We have been having some problems this year in the participation of the food drive. Society's economic issues have really it our community. Not only do we have more families that need Thanksgiving baskets this year, but we also have less families that can contribute. So whatever I can do to help fill in some of the basic needs, I'll bring in.

3. Gave another teacher more Holiday cards
            I've talked about this Holiday Card project in an earlier penny report. Yes, the project is still continuing and is doing quite well. You can get amazing deals for things like this at any given Dollar Store. 15 cards for a $1 - who can beat this deal? Seriously, if you can please let me know so that I can contribute more cards for the military. :-)

4. Held the door open for the cafe workers
             They were moving various carts and items because they were trying out a new layout for the breakfast/lunch lines. Just something simple and nice to do for someone else

5. Treated my morning crew of students
             They have been really helping me out in the morning in getting my 2 rooms ready for the day. Also, they have been helping me get music ready for up coming Winter concerts. I really appreciate all of the extra help that they have provided me lately and throughout the year so far. They are a great bunch of kids that I will miss next year as they transition into high school.

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