Thursday, September 1, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 177

1. Bought food for the local soup kitchen
               So it is a brand new year & extremely cold outside. I feel really bad for those that don't have a family or a home to go to at night. A warm meal means more during this time than anything else. It is more than just nourishment & fuel. It is comfort - even it is breaking bread with strangers. Sometimes food is more about the company than the taste. So if I can provide the opportunity for a little more comfort in the world during this cold time of winter - then I will continue to buy & bring food tot he local soup kitchen.

2. Cleaned up the Sanctuary
              All of the beautiful poinsettias that were used for the Christmas celebration are starting to wither and fade. That is the horrible thing about January. The Pomp & Circumstance is over, the decorations are put away, and the coldness settles in. So today after church that is what I did - started to s clean up everything. The poinsettias flower petals are shedding. This was a sad OCD project for me - but the bright spot is the Sanctuary is now clean.

3.Helped prepare refreshments for another person after Church
             It was the usual stuff. Making coffee, placing cookies & cakes, pouring juice, etc. Just the normal stuff that people like to munch on while socializing. I'm horrible at socializing, but I am good at hosting. So I stepped in to help another person so that she could have some time to socialize too.

4. Tidy up children's area at Church
            Gathering up crayons, putting away stuff dolls, re-stacking the puzzles, etc. Just the normal stuff that the kids get into while their parents are socializing. Like I said, I'm horrible at socializing - but I'm good at cleaning. So I just stepped in so that the kids had an organized toy area to entertain themselves with - giving their parents time to socialize with one another.

5. Took out trash for neighbor
              It is trash night and I wanted to help the elderly neighbor. It is bitterly cold in January now and it is only the beginning of this month. Oh how I miss the warm days of spring and summer. Anyway, I haven't seen them moving around a whole lot out side. I just wanted to do something nice for them. It was easy to move the trash cans.

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